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Facing the Future


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I can't help feeling like the "kill everything" approach to gaming is just juvenile. Bethesda spends three years trying to make a living, immersive world with radiant quest AI and tons of quests and dungeons and diversions, gorgeous vistas and over 60.000 lines of voiced dialogue and you're response to that is that you want to run around and kill farmers and bar maids? I'm sorry, but are you 10 years old? It's like going into a four star restaurant ordering pizza or peanut butter and jelly. -Anyway, that's pretty much how I feel about the "kill everything" crowd.

Just another reason why no multiplayer is a good thing. Let those idiots kill everything. It's on their game and it won't affect us. And hey, it's $60 for Bethesda. Winners galore.


Yeah, but I personally wouldn't mind Co-OP (second player designs a character that can have items and stats of your level, and then can progress at your rate with you or on their own). Think companions, but with their own minds. The companion is nothing without player one, and plays in player ones world, not its own.

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I can't help feeling like the "kill everything" approach to gaming is just juvenile. Bethesda spends three years trying to make a living, immersive world with radiant quest AI and tons of quests and dungeons and diversions, gorgeous vistas and over 60.000 lines of voiced dialogue and you're response to that is that you want to run around and kill farmers and bar maids? I'm sorry, but are you 10 years old? It's like going into a four star restaurant ordering pizza or peanut butter and jelly. -Anyway, that's pretty much how I feel about the "kill everything" crowd.

Just another reason why no multiplayer is a good thing. Let those idiots kill everything. It's on their game and it won't affect us. And hey, it's $60 for Bethesda. Winners galore.


Yeah, but I personally wouldn't mind Co-OP (second player designs a character that can have items and stats of your level, and then can progress at your rate with you or on their own). Think companions, but with their own minds. The companion is nothing without player one, and plays in player ones world, not its own.


No. I'm pretty sure this is my non social side coming out but TES should be single player. Forever.

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I can't help feeling like the "kill everything" approach to gaming is just juvenile. Bethesda spends three years trying to make a living, immersive world with radiant quest AI and tons of quests and dungeons and diversions, gorgeous vistas and over 60.000 lines of voiced dialogue and you're response to that is that you want to run around and kill farmers and bar maids? I'm sorry, but are you 10 years old? It's like going into a four star restaurant ordering pizza or peanut butter and jelly. -Anyway, that's pretty much how I feel about the "kill everything" crowd.

Just another reason why no multiplayer is a good thing. Let those idiots kill everything. It's on their game and it won't affect us. And hey, it's $60 for Bethesda. Winners galore.


Yeah, but I personally wouldn't mind Co-OP (second player designs a character that can have items and stats of your level, and then can progress at your rate with you or on their own). Think companions, but with their own minds. The companion is nothing without player one, and plays in player ones world, not its own.


No. I'm pretty sure this is my non social side coming out but TES should be single player. Forever.


Yeah but it would make my GF happy, and you kill two birds with one stone. You make her happy by spending time with her doing what she wants, and you get to play skyrim. Win win?

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The first video showed of killing and epic battles with loud music because it's way more interesting than watching someone swirl around a pestle in a mortar.


I take both sides in this matter. There are some times when I play games where I just wander around and do non-violentish things. There are other times where I just want to kill things.

Bethesda is just appealing to people like me, where you can do awesome battles AND you can do non-battle stuff.

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I'm certainly not aesthetically opposed to killing bandits & monsters in dungeons. I plan to do that for many hours in Skyrim. The "kill everything" crowd I was referring to I would characterize as wanting to kill every NPC in the game for instance and wants mods that lets them kill children. Cuz, killing old people and children is SO bad ass. I'm just thankful that I'm not such a person.
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well that crowd who said "KILL THE DOG, RAPE HER" and so on seem to be an accurate representation of the americans. sadly they havent got a great reputation around the world.

We have TERRIBLE reputations around the world.

Well deserved, but remember that you only ever HEAR & SEE the people who scream & jump.

The quit civil ones get thrown into the sweeping generalisation.


My View on HACK & SLASK crowds.

Gaming has...become quite mainstream.You see it on television, strewn across the media, and molested by the immature.

It has gone from something cherished to something socially raped.

I just wish for skyrim to remain a hidden jewel.

Call me a Hipster,

but id rather not share it with a distastefull crowd.



I honestly wish so hard that bethesda would tone down on the violence.

NOW, Before you go up in flames, i say this because of a theory i have called The Jurasic Proggressive Theory :ninja:

The theory dictates, that the Protagonist must always encounter conflicts in proggression. And making too high of a leap in the proggressive chain, or having too much of a Breakneck pace in danger too early will yield to being de-sensitised to the danger.



They first are attacked by vellociraptor. then a t rex. Then a PACK of Velociraptors, Then the power goes out. Then the 'Hunter' gets killed. The the Scientist.Then the Velociraptors & the Trex attack.

If they fought the T REX in the beggining, the Velociraptor would have no emotional fear impact.

The move works quite well as there is enough Downtime between encounters for tension to rise. And the encounters are progressive, so you feel like the characters are getting into more & more danger.


In oblivion, you became too desensitised to danger too early on, as you are CONSTANTLY killing everything in your path. You become a murderous titan.

Id like to see less engagements in skyrim. Give Bandits personalities and motives for attacking you. the same goes for creatures.

Because being in constant battle, you will lose all thrill there is in combat. Just look at The Fellowship Of The Ring. PERFECTLY DONE.

Enough combat to keep you excited. Enough tension preluding to conflict to keep you on the edge of your seat. & he characters barely survive each engagement, so you dont feel like they are godly unkillable characters.


(I always joked that Cyrodill was the most oppressive nation in all of nirn<Because bandits outnumber people 6 to 1>) :wink:

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Well, games that are tightly scripted have this kind of linear progression of threat. With a sandbox game though, it becomes more problematic. Although, I did make a character once in Oblivion that was built as a no combat/no magic character. He just snuck around everywhere pickpocketing and running away from enemies. It was actually pretty fun. I think I got about 15 levels out of that character.


The combat that annoys me tends to be the "wild animals always attack" scenario. I got sick of every mudcrab, wolf and boar suicidaly attacking me every time I wanted to just relax & pick flowers for a while. A mod fixed that though. :)

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well that crowd who said "KILL THE DOG, RAPE HER" and so on seem to be an accurate representation of the americans. sadly they havent got a great reputation around the world.

We have TERRIBLE reputations around the world.

Well deserved, but remember that you only ever HEAR & SEE the people who scream & jump.

The quit civil ones get thrown into the sweeping generalisation.


My View on HACK & SLASK crowds.

Gaming has...become quite mainstream.You see it on television, strewn across the media, and molested by the immature.

It has gone from something cherished to something socially raped.

I just wish for skyrim to remain a hidden jewel.

Call me a Hipster,

but id rather not share it with a distastefull crowd.


(I always joked that Cyrodill was the most oppressive nation in all of nirn<Because bandits outnumber people 6 to 1>) :wink:


I agree Frankly i am quite embarrassed that i live in America BECAUSE of the people that live here...Rude arrogant massive pricks to be honest like at quakecon the people that were saying that crap ugh i just wanted to bash everyone of those guys but im not like that and im sure there were people there actually intent and silent but of course they dont get notiiced i just hope that people like that learn to be respectful...sigh <_<

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well that crowd who said "KILL THE DOG, RAPE HER" and so on seem to be an accurate representation of the americans. sadly they havent got a great reputation around the world.

We have TERRIBLE reputations around the world.

Well deserved, but remember that you only ever HEAR & SEE the people who scream & jump.

The quit civil ones get thrown into the sweeping generalisation.


My View on HACK & SLASK crowds.

Gaming has...become quite mainstream.You see it on television, strewn across the media, and molested by the immature.

It has gone from something cherished to something socially raped.

I just wish for skyrim to remain a hidden jewel.

Call me a Hipster,

but id rather not share it with a distastefull crowd.


(I always joked that Cyrodill was the most oppressive nation in all of nirn<Because bandits outnumber people 6 to 1>) :wink:


I agree Frankly i am quite embarrassed that i live in America BECAUSE of the people that live here...Rude arrogant massive pricks to be honest like at quakecon the people that were saying that crap ugh i just wanted to bash everyone of those guys but im not like that and im sure there were people there actually intent and silent but of course they dont get notiiced i just hope that people like that learn to be respectful...sigh <_<


Yeah...I'm an American to :( . A good way to tell who the jackasses are is to basically look at hardcore COD fans. The good Americans play TES(and not in the kill everything style)

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