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A mesh of a non-antropomorph god


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Hy! I have a big problem: I'm working on a mod which one I use some parts of the ericism (I've found a book, what is its sacred writing, and it tells about the God, who had 16 sons, with the most of the spur in the world).

Well, I'm talented in modding and scripting, but I'm not able to build as difficult meshes as Ericius's statue. In fact, I have the body of him, but that's not enough - the father of the daedra princes (in the original text: Nymorions) and all of the humans have got a face like a porcupine. It's the most difficult exercise what I have ever faced, so I have no more hope to do this without as good modellers as there are around here. Please if someone can and want to help me send a message! Thank You, very much! Jó Keddet és Ericius áldása legyen rajtatok!

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