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would be interesting to see vampire hardcore mode. sleeping in coffins and a bar to show u how much blood to consume, and if it chose at random what kind of blood u were craving, (night elf, argonian, orc.. giant.. the blood of the poor or rich,,.) and if u fill that craving you would get a bonus.or experience.


also if someone could make it so you turn into a flock of bats that would be epic..

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would be interesting to see vampire hardcore mode. sleeping in coffins and a bar to show u how much blood to consume, and if it chose at random what kind of blood u were craving, (night elf, argonian, orc.. giant.. the blood of the poor or rich,,.) and if u fill that craving you would get a bonus.or experience.


also if someone could make it so you turn into a flock of bats that would be epic..


Well I'm not a man of cliches so I might do something like 'you can turn invisible for as long as you are in shadows' drains 1/3 of your remaining life a cast or something of those likes.. maybe add in randomly wandering vampire hunters lol anyways the rest still the rest of it sounds pretty cool :)


I'm kind of overloaded with mods I want to do first like a magic overhaul, possible melee mod to make it more interesting and since I really want to do an epic mod I'm thinking of making bands of marauders that hide out in certain caves/dungeons/camps and keep fighting each other for territory, dominance and items, probably start with 5-6 bands that randomly fluxuate in numbers as they fight the other bands and have internal divisions keeping it both random and interesting. Oh and of cource actually make the main strongholds have legit defenses (even better loot though ;D ).

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I would like to revive my vampire mod work from oblivion,... i feel it was shoddy work all these years later and I regret discontinue'ing work on it.


I would like to break vampirism into a progression of different 'trees' much like the skill system has been turned into... complete with its own perks(faked perks are definately possible in the case where a new skill/perks cant be made into the menu- I am sure of this)


this will bring vampirism into more of a "what KIND of vampire are you?"

i havent worked out details, but thats the base idea.

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I don't like the cliché of vampires sleeping in coffins and turning into a flock of bats(however, I will be mentioning something like that in the form of a teleportation spell).. I mean, the whole coffin thing is so weird.. becoming a vampire makes it more comfy to sleep inside of a coffin than on a bed? lmao

I'm up for a good vampire mod though, one good power that I would like.. well.. I watched some kind of Infamous 2 Halloween DLC that contains vampires hehe, they made a power specifically for that mod that actually makes you disappear into a puff of black smoke, let's you fly around(invisible at the time) and when you release the power you re-appear through another puff of black smoke.. I really liked that idea.

I don't know if the above is possible, all I know is that it would be awesome as... as... the idea of vampires as a whole lol

On a side note, I would definitely like it that if you disappear into the puff of black smoke the game drastically turns into slowmo so that if you re-appear in that black puff of smoke again it will really feel like a quick teleportation, such a slowdown that by the time you will re-appear again you will still be able to see the other puff JUST disappearing xD if you understand what I am talking about :D

I really hope someone fully understands what I'm talking about and agrees with me ^_^

P.S: I like El'Derina's comment, it's a good idea.

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