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Cell-based CTD

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Neither worked, as it's not a mod issue. I've tried deactivating all mods, and simply entering the general area of the LR DLC entrance crashes the game. I've tried running in compatability mode with both XP and Vista, Vsync off and on, INI file modified, configator used, mods deactivated, archiveinvalidation disabled, etc. with the same results.


Any other ideas would be appreciated, as I'd hate to have spent money on a DLC I'm not even able to play.

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Just because you deactivate a mod does not mean the problem will go away. You need to remove all of the mod content then reinstall a fresh game and start it so the clean ini. file will be created. At that point it's a good idea to make a bak-up of the ini and anything else you will need to have a clean install. This way if things get to messed up you can start over easily. Use wrye Flash, FOMM for NV, and BOSS,NVSE,and FNVEdit to create a clean and stable game. They work ,I use them and can play 10 hrs plus without a crash or stutter.
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I'm not going to reinstall the game yet again, and I already use everything you mentioned save for wyre Flash. The INI has been backed up and used/re-used with the same results. I also don't use any mods that should be causing such an issue, as the only texture/mesh packs I use are weapon retextures and detailed normals, and everything else can be disabled.


Also, these crashes only occur in certain areas, not at random. Going anywhere near the Divide entrance is one of the places, and I just recently found out I can't go to the Happy Trails Caravan quest area. HH crashing isn't too detrimental since I've already completed it. I just want to be able to play LR.

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