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Predator-Style Shoulder Cannon?


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Was wondering if someone would be awesome enough (cough-cough, Ethreon or Millenia) to make a Predator Style shoulder blaster, using something like the Alien Blaster for the base weapon. It could be mounted to the outside of power armor, or with a separate pauldron to someone wearing normal clothing. Making it a custom craftable weapon would be cool, too, with the plans for it being a reward for killing that alien with the crashed UFO.

Please tell me someone is working on this or will be soon? Everyone does lightsabers, so how about something different?

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  • 1 year later...

Yup, I'm doing it, all together with a playable Yautja race, all weapons and armours... this shoulder cannon thing is like a hole in the head man - not easy to convince Fallout 4 that a projectile must be fired, accurate and with auto lock, when a weapon is not equipped to either hand… but I'm slowly getting the functionality I want.

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Yup, I'm doing it, all together with a playable Yautja race, all weapons and armours... this shoulder cannon thing is like a hole in the head man - not easy to convince Fallout 4 that a projectile must be fired, accurate and with auto lock, when a weapon is not equipped to either hand… but I'm slowly getting the functionality I want.



You, sir, are a god. I'll be more than happy to beta test it for you once I kick my Fallout 4 in the backside and get it running again. lol I dun borked it. Plus, I'm writing a wiki for myself. I'm wondering how you're pulling off this sorcery, though. Turning it into a companion, or using a companion AI? Nevermind. I don't want to know how the magician does his tricks so long as they work.


I can't speak for anyone else, but thank you.

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twowolves80 - you have answered your own question pal - sorcery. Think voice power from Skyrim. More or less that. It is still only half done – once you will attach a cannon of choice (two at the moment) to a back pack of choice(also two), you get a trigger for it in your AID and you can happily shoot of limbs, blow up heads and cause a lot of chaos in general… but it is suppose to be a lock on weapon, and as far as the projectile is concern – all is good, it will be despatched instantly at any target that will be marked with the targeting computer on a FREAKING missile launcher… I need to get the targeting system on to a mask, not a weapon, especially THAT weapon. Not sure how to do that yet.


Thanks for your kind words! I will release this mod as soon as I will get basic functionality in it. I have actually already decide that it WILL be released even if I will not finish it for any reason. If that will be the case - maybe some one else will :laugh:




And beta testing will be definitely needed… my system and Fallout are far from… regular… Thanks for offer! I will keep that in mind!






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I was wondering the same thing but my idea was for a weaponized suit of Power Armor. I got to doing some of the preliminary research and discovered that it's not so far outside of reality. Russia, China, UK and France have programs in place already to R&D PA suits. The US already has a suit that looks an awful lot like the Combat Gear Shepard wears in ME. Thing I'm busting my head about is the lack of a decent Grenade Launcher. Everything I've tried using the GECK turns out crap.

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  • 4 months later...

Yup, I'm doing it, all together with a playable Yautja race, all weapons and armours... this shoulder cannon thing is like a hole in the head man - not easy to convince Fallout 4 that a projectile must be fired, accurate and with auto lock, when a weapon is not equipped to either hand… but I'm slowly getting the functionality I want.

Any progress on this mod? Dying to play it.

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This would be nice opportunity to finay craft something else than melee upgrades into Power Armor arms. Alternativly to actual firearms it could be something like a PD weaponsystem to aim at incomming grenades only to make them explode before reaching you.

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