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I can sneak but I can't hide


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For some reason when I sneak the enemy sees me from a mile away.


I wasn't several hundred feet from Backdoor Apparel and just as I rounded the corner, in sneak mode, while slow walking, at night, as soon as the guard came into sight she saw me and started firing.


I had to reload and this time on the way to BA, as I was passing the bridge, the Raiders out on the boat saw me while sneaking at night from way out there on the water.


Can anyone tell me what is going on?


When I finally got inside BA, the two guards that usually have a funny conversation in the back of the room had already saw me and were firing on me before I could even move. I was in stealth mode and walking slowly when I clicked on the door to enter.


This is very frustrating. I tried reloading the game thinking that might help.

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Did your sneak indicator go from hidden to danger? A lot of people post about how they get shot at while sneaking but that's not really the case, the enemy will shoot in the direction of the place you were detected but they may still not actually see you. Until your sneak indicator says danger, you're still hidden.

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Isn't sneak sort of perk driven? The higher level of the sneak perk you get the better your sneaking becomes. But I agree that it seems ridiculous that you can be detected that far away in the dark.

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I see it says "Hidden". And as soon as the enemy comes in sight it switches to detected and they start shooting at me.


I have 2 points in the Sneak Perk so I shouldn't be detected instantly from such a long distance. I even have a suppressed pistol I'm using


Edit: I figured it out. I have a Walther Pistol mod and that mod has a laser sight that I can install. When install it makes it impossible to sneak. No matter how far away they are they see the laser for some reason.


I uninstalled the laser and I seem to be able to sneak again.


That said, even with my pip boy light on I wasn't this visible to enemies.

Edited by gamenode
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As people said, sneak is a remaining RPG concept, where perks and buffs are essential to make it work effectively.


But the AI is broken (well the b-team behind FO4 really didn't care in the first place) so the complex set of rules as to when it works and when it doesn't are largely inconsistent.


I mean, most people would like a simple "use a light at night, get spotted" concept, but even that seems beyond Beth.


My guess would be that if you really enjoy the idea of stealth, you are going to need a lot of mos to change the game behaviour. The fact that such mods have not been forthcoming, tho, makes me think a lot of the issues are baked into the game engine.

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I have no troubles with sneak. I can generally walk right up to the guy and have him bump into me and say "WTF was that?". Then wander around looking for whatever it was he bumped in to. At some point i need to take 'Pick-Pocket' so I can give them grenades. :smile:


How I do this (easily accomplished before lvl 25):

- NO light (very few places where light is actually needed anyway)

- Sneak perk rank 4 (5 is pretty much pointless)

- Agility 5+

- Find the "Covert Ops" magazines

- mod leg armor with "Muffled" - Early on you may want it on both legs, but as sneak goes up and you find more covert ops mags, you can remove it for other mods

- Bring a companion to distract them from you. Dog is NOT a good distraction, Cait and Piper are pretty good and reasonably durable.


I also have no mods that change how perks work or change any basic game mechanics.

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