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Cant get my Leveled Weapon Mod to work. Please Help!!


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Hi. Im working on a Weapon Leveling Mod, but it just wont work and i dont know why. Ok i have a pistol, and i want to level it trough a upgrade item. So far so good. So i have the weapon, i use the Upgrade item the menu comes up i chose upgrade Weapon but then nothing happens. The ingredients (in this case just tokens for a test) wont disappear, the old weapon wont disappear and the new weapon wont appear. but why??


Here is the code:


SCN	HadesUpgradeKitScript

short buttonVar

Begin ScriptEffectStart
Player.AddItem HadesUpgradeKit 1,1
showmessage HadesUpgradeMessage
set buttonVar to getbuttonpressed

		if buttonVar == 0
				If player.getitemcount HadesUpgradeToken == 15
						player.additem WeapHades02 1
						player.equipitem WeapHades02
						player.removeitem WeapHades01 1
						player.removeitem HadesUpgradeToken 15
		elseif buttonVar == 1
			; ammo
		elseif buttonVar == 2
			; abort



Please help

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hmm, i don't see any problems in the lines that add and remove items, so I'd guess that one of the if statements isn't returning true. It might be worth narrowing down which one by temporarily changing the If player.getitemcount HadesUpgradeToken == 15 to If player.getitemcount HadesUpgradeToken > 14 or just leaving it out entirely and checking what happens.


or, paste the code into the other 2 button choices. If it starts working then, there's a problem with the button numbering. Or you could put a message on each button press saying "this is button [number]" just to make sure they're numbered the way they should be.

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Even if i throw out every condition, so i just have to use the Upgrade item it does not work. I just dont know why. the weapons wont change at all.



From what I can see, you have too many 'endif' statements in there. Try the following:


SCN     HadesUpgradeKitScript

short buttonVar

Begin ScriptEffectStart
       Player.AddItem HadesUpgradeKit 1,1
       showmessage HadesUpgradeMessage
       set buttonVar to getbuttonpressed

       if buttonVar == 0
          if player.getitemcount HadesUpgradeToken == 15
             player.additem WeapHades02 1
             player.equipitem WeapHades02
             player.removeitem WeapHades01 1
             player.removeitem HadesUpgradeToken 15
       elseif buttonVar == 1
       ; ammo
       elseif buttonVar == 2
       ; abort

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Ok thats right, but not the problem. i just deletet some unneccesary lines. But even if i make it just so:


begin scripteffectstart
player.additem HadesUpgradeKit 1,1
player.additem WeapHades02 1
player.equipitem WeapHades02
player.removeitem WeapHades01 1


Even so it just does nothing!!! Why?

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Ok thats right, but not the problem. i just deletet some unneccesary lines. But even if i make it just so:


begin scripteffectstart
player.additem HadesUpgradeKit 1,1
player.additem WeapHades02 1
player.equipitem WeapHades02
player.removeitem WeapHades01 1


Even so it just does nothing!!! Why?



Okay. Let me ask you this then, because I think we're missing some relevant info here,


What is actually calling this script, as in, what type of base object? I take it you have something in your inventory which, when you select it, you want it to bring up an 'upgrade menu', yes...?


If 'yes', humour me and try the following as the script for that item:


scn HadesUpgradeKitScript

int KeyEquip
int KeyPressedEquip

Begin OnEquip
  Player.AddItem HadesUpgradeKit 1 1
  ShowMessage HadesUpgradeMessage
  set KeyPressedEquip to 1

Begin GameMode

  if KeyPressedEquip == 1
     Set KeyEquip to GetButtonPressed

  if KeyPressedEquip == 1 && KeyEquip > -1
     if KeyEquip == 0
        if player.getitemcount HadesUpgradeToken == 15
           player.additem WeapHades02 1 1
           player.equipitem WeapHades02 0 1
           player.removeitem WeapHades01 1 1
           player.removeitem HadesUpgradeToken 15 1
        set KeyEquip to -1
        set KeyPressedEquip to -1
     elseif KeyEquip == 1
        ; ammo
        set KeyEquip to -1
        set KeyPressedEquip to -1
        set KeyEquip to -1
        set KeyPressedEquip to -1


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