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I would argue that the Nazis would easily make the top 3 on a list of history's silliest dressed bunch of slavers. I've seen pictures of Nazi tank commanders holding binoculars AND A RIDING CROP, as if they're going to smack the tank to make it go faster. I'm sure there were a few instances where terrain or availability of motorized vehicles made horseback riding necessary for some of the top ranks, but I'm pretty sure that most of them were just accessorizing their outfits. Edited by tokeroaches
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I would argue that the Nazis would easily make the top 3 on a list of history's silliest dressed bunch of slavers. I've seen pictures of Nazi tank commanders holding binoculars AND A RIDING CROP, as if they're going to smack the tank to make it go faster. I'm sure there were a few instances where terrain or availability of motorized vehicles made horseback riding necessary for some of the top ranks, but I'm pretty sure that most of them were just accessorizing their outfits.



The riding crop was probably to hit the crew, not the tank dude. Besides there is a huge difference between european fascists amd post apocalyptic Roman fans.

Regarding the riding crop, this wiki article might shed some light on that, or do you think this guy was stupid too? ;)

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Thanks for the info on the crop & Swagger stick. :thumbsup: I have seen the info on the Romans use before, and understand it was an extremely effective tool for a centurion as well as a symbol of office. Besides being used to speed up a slow trooper, it was used as a signalling device in battle.


I grew up on US Military bases around the world during the 1950s and 1960s. Then served in the USMC from 1967 to 1971 - I NEVER saw a US officer or NCO carry either with the exception of a band leader who used a swagger stick as a conductors baton to direct the music when not marching. And as my father was usually the senior NCO on whatever base we were on, I saw a lot of top officers and senior NCOs.

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The riding crop was probably to hit the crew, not the tank dude.


Would hitting the crew make the tank go faster, or accomplish anything other than to lower the efficiency and precision with which the tank crew operates? I really don't think thats what it was for.


Besides there is a huge difference between european fascists amd post apocalyptic Roman fans.


First off, the historical Romans WERE european fascists, even if they didn't prefer the term. Sure, they had a senate, but so did WWII era Italy and Germany. Second, the historical Nazis WERE pre-apocalyptic Roman fans. If you don't believe me you should start greeting random people with a "Roman Salute" and see if anyone replies with "Oh hey, you must be a big fan of the Romans, cool!".


Therefore, the question you should ask is "Is there a huge difference between pre-apocalyptic Roman fans and post-apocalyptic Roman fans?"


Regarding the riding crop, this wiki article might shed some light on that, or do you think this guy was stupid too?


That article traces the roots of the swagger stick to Roman military. It does shed some light on the subject when it says that "Nowadays it is more often a traditional visual attribute." In other words, its a fashion accessory.


Patton was very, very far from stupid. He was, however, by all accounts a little "different". According to multiple first-hand accounts and somewhat corroborated by a letter to his mother he believed that he was.....get ready......a reincarnated Roman Legionnaire. He was also the allied general for who Hitler expressed the most fear and respect. Considering the circumstances Hitler actually liked Patton in a way, though Patton didn't have a very high opinion of Hitler.


I can see that nobody likes the idea of a Nazi faction in the wasteland, which makes me want it to happen more than ever :) I don't intend to make this mod, so everyone can just calm down, but I do think it would be a good idea if done right. It does surprise me that people are such fans of the Legion. If someone DID do a nazi faction they would simply have to be allied with the Legion in some way. I always found them (the wasteland Legion, not the historical Romans) to represent everything repulsive about human history.


Sort of like the Nazis!

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I say add anything to the wasteland you want! We got robots with brains stuffed in the top, Elvis impersonators, Tribals, Talking computers, cowboy robots, supermutants, walking dead, Huge walking mutated bags of flesh, etc.


Just the other day I was like "I wanna go shoot some ninjas!" And boom, Found myself a ninja mod. What are ninjas doing in the wasteland? Who cares. Maybe they got confused like the elvis impersonators after seeing old videos and thought "hey, Ninjas are awsome, Lets be ninjas!" And hence, there was ninjas.

Edited by Cyberlazy
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I figured that the mod would start out with neo-nazis that would basically be like raiders and fiends, random spawns that attack on sight, and then maybe I could add some dialogue here and there and even (brace your sensitive little selves) allow you to ally with them assuming your pigmentation is to your liking and, well, that would pretty much be the only requirement since they view race as a person's single most important attribute. It would have been really easy for a caucasian to enter their settlement and rob them blind or kill them all if they wanted, since they equate race with character and would trust you implicitly if you are pale enough.


But Klansmen.....wow.....that is much more fertile ground for hilarious dialogue and interactions, if nothing else due to their penchant for ridiculous titles ("Grandiose Wasteland Imperial Gecko Lord of the 7th Eternal Toilet") and pseudo-religious ceremony (thanks for the crosses, legion!). I'm thinking something like the Klan as depicted in the Harold & Kumar movie would fit just right.


And, for those of you reading this with higher-than-average cranial density, I'm not advocating KKK philosophy. I think I'm laying the ridicule on pretty thick but I still expect that someone will get all pissed off at this post. Just so you know there is no Klan in the world that would have ME as a member. Trust me on that. I would be rejected, um, when they saw what I look like. This is satire. Look it up sometime: satire. Its a fancy word that us "readin'-folks" to use that means "makes fun of something"

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