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An actual synth companion..

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I have an idea that is a bit more than my current skill set can manage... could you all offer some ideas on the best way to impliment my idea or if its even possible as i have outlined it? I tend to think better writing my ideas on paper so i took a pic of the rough idea.



Thank you for your time+

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Ok i cant upload the image...


Basic idea: 3 stage companion


Stage 1. Broken gen 1 synth can be repaired at weapons bench.

A. You will need a bundle of synth parts, dropped by every synth...plus basic crafting materials.

B. Initially the synth will only perform basic settlers roles.

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Stage 2: Becoming an actual follower - Upgrade to Gen 2


must have automatron expansion, must complete Ada starting quest, Must have robot workshop blueprint.


Quest started by REPAIRED SYNTH: retrieve 4 holotaoe software patches stolen by a rogue institute scientist (Virgil)


Once all 4 are obtained, synth added to robot workbench and becomes automatron type follower similar to "Wintermute" but still in gen 1 or gen 2 form, limited weapons and armor

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As an immersion and survival bonus...


Gen 1 and gen 2 synth settlers can be dispatched to wasteland to forage raw materials if you side with institute...


A. Synth settler dispatched

B. Synth leaves game world for 3 days in game time

C Synth respawns with a realistic amount of random raw matwrials and deposits them in a special container before going back to settler duties.

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For stage 1, are you thinking the broken synth is an item in your inventory? Then after repairing it, you use it and it leaves your inventory and the synth appears before you? That sounds more like a chemistry station thing then a weapons workbench thing, which doesn't sound hard at all to me. Although, thematically, the power armor station sounds more realistic for the purpose, which might be really hard but sounds really cool. If you go that route it might be easier to make your own synth repair workstation.


Stage 2 sounds like a lot of model work (making each piece and modification) which I wish I knew more about.


Stage 3 sounds too vague to me atm to have an opinion.


Overall it sounds doable.


(Full disclosure: this is my first day on these author forums and my resume consists of compatibility patches so my opinions aren't worth too much) :P

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