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Edit an ESP


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I need to edit an ESP file to look for files somewhere else, I need my ESP to look for its animation files inside the MAO folder, not its regular folder. How would I go about doing this?


I need to change the ESP files directory.

Edited by carni91
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The actual animation files are not in the esp. They are usually in Oblivion/Data/Meshes/Characters. If the meshes are packed into a BSA, you'll need a utility to extract them, like the BSA browser that comes with OBMM.


I'm only guessing as I've never worked on animations before, but I imagine that you have to overwrite all the default animations with the MAO animations. Best to wait for someone more knowledgeable about animations to answer though.


Oh by the way, try to avoid bumping threads is it's usually frowned upon here, especially so soon after the original post. If it's been more than a day without an answer, perhaps add a post with a bit more info so it doesn't feel like a bump. (e.g. Guys, I tried looking in XYZ and still couldn't find it. Can anybody help?)

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