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Seriously..... stop with the whole *but the EULA says......* nonsense. Because that's exactly what it is. Nonsense. EULA = toilet paper. They have the same value where copyright laws are concerned.



This law office say the opposite: http://www.nyccounsel.com/business-blogs-websites/who-owns-photos-and-videos-posted-on-facebook-or-twitter/


They are saying nonsense too?


Well if that's really the case, Facebook and all the others would have been condemned to paid million dollars and this is never happened yet.


And by the way the License Agreement=The Law it's the basic. A License Agreement have force of Law.

Edited by OunceStripes
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Would it be possible to, say, make a mod that recognizes if a person is playing on console and crash the game immediately?


'Cause I was thinking, if you were to make such a mod, and set said mod as a master file for any mod you upload to the nexus... could it help to deter thieves?


Game on boot playing audio


"Xbox, turn off" :DDD



Speaking of eulas, afair i was supposed to sacrifice my firstborn in one of the licenses for skyrim mods, those that mean i really have to ? i mean that's what the text file said, so clearly all courts are gonna stand with the mod author right ?

Edited by ashtonx
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ahmpfgd f***...

someone tested if with the CallGlobalFunction() can you use the Debug funtions? or do they completely removed the entire class?


Idk just now i'm pissed off for that... Debug is a really good class i wanna use it for some of the ideas i have and now as i can see i won't be able to port some of the mods i've done now in consoles :/


The worst part of this is that now i'll have to put f***ing messages.show() and waste my time doing messages

Edited by KataPUMB
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Id love to see Bethesda use one of my armors for one of their games. Not only because it would be kind of cool but also because id love to see their laywer trying to defend selling content they didnt have the right to use, that was made by someone with no education in game design at all, using non commercial licenses of programs that are not made by them and dont allow to monetize the products....

Except you grant them all those rights when you upload your mod to Bethesda.net / use the CK. Go read the EULAs if you don't believe me.



That granting of rights isn't exactly legal and would go buh bye in court faster than a prisoner peeing on the judge. They can put anything in a EULA they want regardless of being legally binding or not. If you port the Wolf School(default) armor from Witcher 3 to FO4 that doesn't make it Bethesda's property regardless of what the EULA says. Triss armor? Yennifers? If you made a box out of a standard primitive in the student version of 3DS Max it doesn't make it Bethesda's property and they can sell it. If they ever tried to enforce that part of the EULA they would be stating that they own copyright material from many other corporations and some of them have the funds to totally screw Zenimax over such as Autodesk and they will be pounced on and sent straight to bankruptcy. The only reason for those clause's in the EULA is so Bethesda can steal concepts from mod authors and put those in the next game or DLC and possibly emulate the look of items. They do not even need that since it would be derivative work but CYA.


Then you get to the question of is a EULA a binding contract? Last time I checked that requires a signature and a notary public or equivalent witness to said signature. Simply clicking the bugger off "Ok" or "I Agree" button is not a signature no more than the old school open this and you agree BS it used to be on the CD cases. EULA's are not binding contracts regardless of what any corporation wants you to believe and they so much want you to believe they are. Get invited to a private beta test and they want an NDA, that NDA better have a notary public stamp on it or they wont give you the stuff to test. Binding contract. you don't need a notary every time you say bugger off to the EULA but that's supposed to be a binding contract? Yeah doesn't work in court.

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Not to mention that I, for one, would not download anything knowing that someone put a landmine in there, no matter if the landmine recognized me as a friendly


Then you wont ever download a mod of mine ever again.





You're right. Not when you're literally advocating cyberterrorism. Seriously. Just wow.


So yeah. I'm bowing out of this discussion from now on. This has become too toxic, and you're apparently perfectly capable of hanging yourself in a legally binding manner without anyone's assistance.

Edited by Jeoshua
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Not to seem daft, as I totally think ripping off others work without credit is a dick move. But has anyone even tried to actually contact bethesda on the issue? Or are everyone just sitting around writing rants and posting hate videos?


Just saying, because Bethesda, as a business dont sit and stroll through youtube for feedback.


The only way to make a difference is to go to Bethesda, find a email adress to someone in the company, and write to them en-masse with a "Regards, -your name-" in the end.


Best regards

Your neighborhood bore





Oh and naturally stay civil, starting a "war" and being toxic wont promote any kind of positive outcome.

If you are truly bothered by this, send Bethesda and actual email, contact them by whatever means and write along the lines of


"Dear Bethesda


Your community, that is to say the modders, have this and this issue

this bothers me, and a lot of others as you can see -link link- here

please do something about it or otherwise take some kind of official action

towards this.


John Jackson (or whatever your names are)



-EDIT 2-


And lastly, to clarify. The issue at hand is that users of the bethesda modding community are taking content made by people

here on nexus, and distributing it on the bethesda site without consent of the mod authors, while it is a dick move there are no

legal issues on this matter as your content isnt bound under any kind of copyright.

And since they arent making profit off of your content it moves the entire thing into a grey zone legally.

You dont lose capital from this, you do however see your work distributed by others on a different platform.

Have you tried contacting said persons and asking them (nicely) to credit you for your work on your site?

In the worst case just make sure to refuse support to people who are using your content via bethesdas site?



Quick solution: Nicely ask the people releasing your mods on bethesdas site to give you credit on your work

Long solution: Write actual emails, call their support services, and make an effort to contact bethesda and make your

case if you want results. Writing toxic rants and making music videos of comments wont get you what you want.

Edited by KibaH
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To anyone considering adding code or whatnot to intentionally crash a console (can this even be done?)


Just stop.

We do not need to go down this idiotic road. I understand the anger, but to stoop to such a low level is unbecoming of your talents and against the ToS. Leave that crap to the thieves.

Edited by VarekRaith
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Not to seem daft, as I totally think ripping off others work without credit is a dick move. But has anyone even tried to actually contact bethesda on the issue? Or are everyone just sitting around writing rants and posting hate videos?


Just saying, because Bethesda, as a business dont sit and stroll through youtube for feedback.


The only way to make a difference is to go to Bethesda, find a email adress to someone in the company, and write to them en-masse with a "Regards, -your name-" in the end.


Best regards

Your neighborhood bore





Oh and naturally stay civil, starting a "war" and being toxic wont promote any kind of positive outcome.

If you are truly bothered by this, send Bethesda and actual email, contact them by whatever means and write along the lines of


"Dear Bethesda


Your community, that is to say the modders, have this and this issue

this bothers me, and a lot of others as you can see -link link- here

please do something about it or otherwise take some kind of official action

towards this.


John Jackson (or whatever your names are)



-EDIT 2-


And lastly, to clarify. The issue at hand is that users of the bethesda modding community are taking content made by people

here on nexus, and distributing it on the bethesda site without consent of the mod authors, while it is a dick move there are no

legal issues on this matter as your content isnt bound under any kind of copyright.

And since they arent making profit off of your content it moves the entire thing into a grey zone legally.

You dont lose capital from this, you do however see your work distributed by others on a different platform.

Have you tried contacting said persons and asking them (nicely) to credit you for your work on your site?

In the worst case just make sure to refuse support to people who are using your content via bethesdas site?



Quick solution: Nicely ask the people releasing your mods on bethesdas site to give you credit on your work

Long solution: Write actual emails, call their support services, and make an effort to contact bethesda and make your

case if you want results. Writing toxic rants and making music videos of comments wont get you what you want.



Damn kibaH your last part sound like one of those retards in the DD's video, did you actually mod something?


As i can see, no you're just asking for free content and you don't care about the guys who does this content for you... nice you're oficially an idiot.


Let's pretend a story, you're a writter who have admiration for... let's say Shakespeare, so your editor asks to you to write a preface of Romeo and Juliet to put it in the new edition of the book the company is doing, you do it because you love Shakespeare and you love to write. A week after the release of the book another company takes your text and uses it into another nobel without even asking you saying that you're not losing money because the book you're selling is not your own, you just made a preface... and then a bounch of reader assholes says that you cann't say it's yours because you don't own the English language...


So yea that's what they're doing and that's what you're saying so if you're saying that i must say you're an idiot.

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