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Difficulty Question...


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Hey everyone, dose anyone know if your skills level up faster in skyrim if you play the game on a harder difficulty?

It makes sense as it would take more strikes to kill an enemy. Thanks.

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I doubt numerically the hits->level would change, so odds say not in any noticable way


(since there is more than 1 guy in the game so on easy mode after you kill a mob you will probably run into another mob pretty soon and start swinging at him... that of cource would still favor hard difficulties but the extra running/reloading/sleeping on that really hard difficulty tends to even it out if not make it even slower to level)

Edited by blackhalo321
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It was confirmed that the difficulty slider has no effect on the leveling dynamics. As everyone above me said... if you hit more with a sword, you get more points in sword.
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I'm glad to hear this, I really didn't like in FO3/FNV I felt like I had to play on very hard to level faster. Not that it really matters, I play on very hard anyway but its the principal of it. =P I seriously hope that enemies don't take an obscene amount of damage on the harder difficulty though.


I've always hated being killed in 2-4 hits but having to deal upward of 10 to kill an enemy. Does anyone know if this will be the case in skyrim or will it be more even? ie. Both the player and enemies die very quickly.

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I hope its like a HC mode...both you and the enemy take damage at higher rates, healing isnt as effective etc...


I hope for that too, but I keep getting told that there will not be a hardcore mode :confused: oh well i'll just have to wack that slider up to its limits! :biggrin:

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Think when most people say "hardcore mode" they think NV and having to eat, sleep, drink so on .. difficulty wasn't part of the deal .. just annoying things that made it more immersive .. Difficulty where enemies can be as powerful as you could very well be in the game when the slider is cranked up.
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I hope its like a HC mode...both you and the enemy take damage at higher rates, healing isnt as effective etc...


I hope for that too, but I keep getting told that there will not be a hardcore mode :confused: oh well i'll just have to wack that slider up to its limits! :biggrin:


Just wait a month, I'm sure there will be a mod ;D

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