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Poor Performance - FPS


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My Oblivion FPS are bugging me and I wanted to find out what kind of FPS other people are getting and try and figure out if my PC is having any problems.



E4400 - 2x2GHz

8800GTS 320Mb



nothing is overclocked although the processor was running 2.66GHz a while back.


Oblivion settings

I use Qarl's 2 - 3 is too big for me to download

When I get 15-20FPS I basically have everything on

exterior shadows is only set 2 above bottom

self shadows on

shadow filter high

max tree distance

max grass distance



if I turn off grass completely and turn off self shadows my FPS only changes to about 30




Is 15-20 FPS normal for this kind of system?


On 3D Mark 03 my score is 28000


I'd be interested in any comments on this topic.

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with 320 video memory, the texture pack is what's probably causing the problems. Those textures require more memory to store and process. Even if your card speed is good, your memory will still probably be getting backed up. Overclocking won't really help in this situation, it's all video memory that keeps a more complex scene from rendering as fast.
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sigh... you know, I used to dream of getting 20fps... I've managed it now, with the aid of some judicious tweaking, but 15 isn't actually that slow, although I might just be used to it by now.


Anyway, there are a number of additions to QTP2 that will make it run much faster, have a look at The Oblivion Texture Overhaul for details.

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I used to get about 15 outdoors. I got sick of the laggy combat, so I took off the LOD. It put up my fps +10, no lag in combat and the game is a lot better. Its more like morrowind now, it seems bigger, because if you ride your horse for 5 minutes and turn around you can't see the city you just left is 100 meters away (exaggeration).
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