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Any Dwaf Fortress players here?


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I know of dwarf fortress, but I have never got around to trying it. I have been a bit turned off by how complex the game looks, but the immersion is supposed to be amazing. Maybe if you could give a few tips I would be able to get into it :happy:.
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I know of dwarf fortress, but I have never got around to trying it. I have been a bit turned off by how complex the game looks, but the immersion is supposed to be amazing. Maybe if you could give a few tips I would be able to get into it :happy:.


there is a start pack il see if i can locate a link



This repack pretty good for anyone new to it


Id be up for a sucession fort. But I dont have much experience playing Dwarf Fortress, I always died within a week . So perhapes a tutorial sucession fort or story fort

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