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Shield bash for dual wield


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Well most likely since a dual wielder can't block, they also can't shield bash. So this would eliminate the joy of knocking someone off a cliff without having to switch weapons and stuff. I was thinking that it would be nice if to shield bash with dual wield would be a kick instead. Of course animations would have to be made and a way to fit the button onto a controller if used but yeah. I think that would be nice. 300 comes to mind
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Well most likely since a dual wielder can't block, they also can't shield bash. So this would eliminate the joy of knocking someone off a cliff without having to switch weapons and stuff. I was thinking that it would be nice if to shield bash with dual wield would be a kick instead. Of course animations would have to be made and a way to fit the button onto a controller if used but yeah. I think that would be nice. 300 comes to mind


if you press both attack buttons when dual wielding rumor has it you block. Otherwise it would be a silly grinder spec were you just have to swing so fast the guy dies before he realizes you can't actually stop any of his attacks... lols

Edited by Alistat
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im sorry,... i was thinking dual shield wielding when i read the topic, :-p


That was my first thought when they announced dual wielding: can you dual wield shields? It would epic just to repeatedly bash people in the face. Stupid, ineffective, but epic.

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