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Beast legs or feet.


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The downside on those mods i used on Oblivion was, that i (and NPC) coudnt use boots anymore, but i dont care about boots if my PC looks like i want him ...


Couldn't use them back in the day (IE Morrowind, when beast races had beast feet) either. So its all part of having digitgrade legs.

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The Khajit are kinda explaned, as the ones in Morrowind were a particular sub-species favored as slaves by the Dunmer... The Argonains on the other hand i don't really get... Maybe the Hist decided they were too ungangly and redesigned the entire species between Morrowind and Oblivion.


I'd like to see both have their Morrowind style legs back, but i feel it would be more appropriate on a seperate Khajit entry, representing two different varriations.

Lore-wise the Khajiit should have digitigrade feet while the Argonians can be like this. The reason being the Khajiit present in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim are explicitly classified as being member of the Suthay-raht subspecies. And in Morrowind and Redguard are depicted as being digitigrade, and if I remember correctly also described as such in the various Guides to the Empire.

The Argonians are trickier since the Hist and its magical properties can simply explain any form an Argonian can be (and in Daggerfall they were plantigrades).


Basically, what I think happened is that building a different skeleton with animation and all was considered lower-priority than other elements of the game: there are quite a few things in the game that feel rushed, like a few quests and a few factions (the Bard's College comes to mind, or the civil war).



speaking of the boots issue, that's another thing to keep in mind. Bethesda would've had to either make custom meshes for any boots in the game, have it so boots cannot be equipped (which I think could cause issue with some quests that require certain clothing) or have it so boots can be equipped without showing.

Edited by TheAmazinglyAverageGuy
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That's something I'd really love to see.... but I'm guessing it's going to be a lot of work...

A lot of work, not really. All you need it make the models and re-texture them. I have been able to make the Khajiit legs look more cat-like but I have no skills in modding or getting anything to the game. If someone is willing to take the models out of my hand, just let me know and I will happily give them to someone who has any knowledge on how to do things :D

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  • 1 month later...

Well, beasts have different skeleton, because of tailbones ( I am not sure i argonian and khajiit use same skeleton?)

So it would be possible to edit the skeleton without making everyone to look silly.


So, I guess its possible.

All armors would just need some re-doing and such, but its possible.

Animations would maybe need some work too?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well since I suppose you didn't see the mod - there http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6041 .It is still a Work In Progress , but if you look at the WIP images,you can see that it has serious potential.



Bleh, that digitigrade skeleton is just way too broken looking. I'd want something like beast feets to look more elegant... and like, actually able to walk with them.

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I definitely plan on modding in new feet for the Khajiit at least, using my KATS mod as a starting point. It all depends on Skyrims .nif format and whether we have the tools to convert/export right away or we have to wait for them. I've never liked that the beast races were just humans with animal heads stuck on them. At least the bodies seem a little more varied this time, especially the Argonians.



How is the Khajiit prosject going?


looks fantastic.



If you're going to mod it, I suppose you need to make new models for the boots (and shoes), so please, this time can you make the footwear actually cover the foot, instead of acting like leggings? There's no way that any creature that's intelligent enough to think of making clothes will make footwear that doesn't at least separate the foot from the ground. It doesn't matter if it's plantigrate, digitigrade, ungulate, etc. I'm using your mod on for Oblivion on a Khajiit game, but the fact that the boots leave the foot open to the elements is a kinda weird.

main reason to not use full boots would be balance, you have an smaller contact area. Lack of need as the paw is more robust than human feet.

Perhaps have both, as in most heavy armor covers more.

Edited by magnemoe
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