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English Language for German Oblivion?


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I have a German copy of Oblivion. I used to be able to play on English, but I forgot what exactly I did in order to achieve that. Now I reinstalled because my game was crashing all the time, and it is all back to German. I can not find anything that will help me change it to English :/ The oblivion_default.ini language setting does not do anything when I set it to 0 value :/ Any help? Are there any mods or something? Because I had a perfect flawlessly English game beforehand :/
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The problem is I live in Austria, so all I can get is the German version >_< I am sure I had it changed before though... is OOO's mod capable of completely changing the language, since I had it installed on English and I am sure it adds a lot of content on English (I now have Fran's, so half my game is English >_<)
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Found out today that I actually have an English version too :P Found it too, but it's missing Disc 1 (has Disc 2, since it's Game of the Year Edition). Been looking for the first disc for maybe 2 and a half hours now, still no luck :'( FML (so far maybe 8 hours spent on reinstalling oblivion >_<)
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Just as an FYI ... don't edit the file Oblivion_default.ini located in the Oblivion folder of your game install. That's the file that the game uses to create your Oblivion.ini file (which is located in Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Vista and Windows 7 or Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Windows XP) on first install, and re-create it when you are having trouble that can be resolved by generating a new ini file. All ini editing is done on the file Oblivion.ini, located where noted above.
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You can buy anything over the Internet. You could order a copy of English Oblivion from the United Kingdom or someplace and have it shipped to Germany. A CD-ROM is so small and light that the postage would be no big deal, even if you had it shipped from America. Edited by David Brasher
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