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Companion Exp Mod


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Something like in FO:NV, where companions don't steal all of your experience. Can anyone do something like this for FO:3? Almost have to fire all my companions and go it alone otherwise I can't level up because they steal all my experience. >.< Thanks!
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  • 2 weeks later...

You mean something like this? Companions don t steal xp


Cool! I swear, my search skills suck harder than a 2 bit prostitute. >.< Now if I can find a way to fix Fellout nights, but not fully. All the ones I've found return it to the 'twilight' type nights, but not somewhere in between. Something not pitch black but not twilight, but a more realistic night. The only one I found the author pulled it as it was outdated and it didn't support the DLCs. Ah well. Again, thanks, I can use my companions again. :D

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