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Any known instances of navmeshes not appearing at all?


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Here's my scenario


I have a worldspace that had auto-generated navmeshing. (I'm not sure if it was finalized) I didn't like the end result after the 20-min generation, so I deleted as much of the navmeshes from as many worldcells as I could with the intent of doing the navmeshing manually. The issue is, now, that I can't see OR apply navmeshes anymore! I can't lay down vertices anymore, I can't see existing navmeshes no matter what view I'm in....


In the object box it still clearly states that there are navmesh triangles in some cells, but when I'm in navmesh mode I still can't see then.


The strangest thing is, there's only ONE particular worldcell that I can actually go into navmesh mode and properly apply navmeshing. I can also see triangles in other worldcells that are within view.


What could be happening here? I've done extensive research but could not nail anything that fits my current situation. I'm also working in an esp, if that helps.

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You can try changing the view mode to 'on top' or 'navmesh only', they are the buttons on the navmesh tool that have eyeballs on them.

You can also double click on navmeshes directly on the right side of the cell view window to take you directly to them.

Between those 2 things you should be able to find them.

If not, the h key hides navmeshes. So try ctrl-h to unhide and see if that's the problem.

Edited by Quetzlsacatanango
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To remove all navmeshing from your mod:


Make a backup of your plugin, then open it with FNVEdit.

For every cell, drill down until you see 'Navigation Mesh' under 'Temporary' (references). Right-click, 'remove'. There should be only one per cell - if not, that's a problem too so remove them all.


After that's done, there will be a 'Navigation Mesh Info Map' in the tree on the left. Right-click and remove that too.


close and save the plugin. Open with Geck and save, then close it. Open with FNVEdit and check for errors. If 'Navigation Mesh Info Map' is back, you probably missed some navmeshing in a cell. Then just repeat the above process.

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