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War Hammer First Edition Question.


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Um, hi there. I just realized I had bought a used First Edition Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay book... You know, because it looks cool? It was made in 1989 or something like that, and um on to the question...


Is it the same as the second and third editions, and is it truly made in 1989? I can't figure out where to look in the book for that.



I also can't find anyone to RP with. Everyone here is only into A. Music and boys and insulting people... B. Into video games but mostly WoW and Runescape, and um, I'm the only one here with my interests... Any suggestions on that :3


Sorry, just really really want to know the answer to those questions.... Please don't give a rude answer like "STFU" or "Go to *ing *ell"

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Yes that date is correct, and yes it is quite collectable.


As for finding people, go find a hobby shop, EG via a phone book(if they still exist) WarHammer fans can usualy be found in the vicinity of those. Assuming this is WarHammer FANTASY not 40-K you'll probably want to find some nostalgic nerds, so school, college, and even work would be good places to look. There's no need to be shy about this, WarHammer has grown over the years, to the point it's now a fairly well known novel and video game series, a fact helped by the droves of people who've played it.

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