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The Island


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I have an idea for a quest mod where you are sent to a island in the pacific (story later), and you have to do a few certain thing to survive. It will follow a quest line where it tells you to do steps, and each step uses a certain type of skill, mostly survival. after a few quests on the island you somehow get off(story later) and hunt down the person who brought you there.


I have a few ideas on how you could get there. One idea is that a mercenary group has been tracking you, and decided you are too powerful and that you have to be taken care of. as part of how they get you their, you show up to their hq, thinking you'd get awarded or assistance, but instead get gassed and wake up on an island. To get to the island the mercenaries use one of their boats( some still work, such as the one in point lookout) and drop you off.


Just posting this out there if anybody would help me, just an idea.

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