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Game crashes on startup


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I don't have a fallout.ini file but an fallout_default file, however this file is in configuration settings in the main fallout folder (common/fallout 3 goty) does anyone know what to do to get back the fallout.ini file. I ask this because my game crashes on startup- goes into game then does old fashion slideshows on the first one it crashes. after seeing one post I saw that I had to move my Fallout Prefs.ini as well. also if it's not the ini can someone tell me how to fix it?
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The ini your'e looking for is located in C:/(user name)/Documents/My Games/Fallout3. But if the game has never run past the point you describe, it probably hasn't had the chance to generate one yet. It will automatically create an ini after running the game from the launcher and going thru the setup menu.


In order to help find the problem, we're going to need a bit more info...


System Specs

Game Version

Run any mods? If so, post your load order.

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The ini your'e looking for is located in C:/(user name)/Documents/My Games/Fallout3. But if the game has never run past the point you describe, it probably hasn't had the chance to generate one yet. It will automatically create an ini after running the game from the launcher and going thru the setup menu.


In order to help find the problem, we're going to need a bit more info...


System Specs

Game Version

Run any mods? If so, post your load order.


System Specs:

Microsoft Windows 7

AMD Athlon II X4 Quad 640 4 x 3000 MHz

Standard base AM3 DDR3 Mainboard

ATI Radeon HD 5450 1024MB

Nvidia nForce Serial ATA Controller

think that'll help


Game version: Don't know specifically but newest version


and no mods but I do have GOTY edition. however I have disabled them all

Edited by thedud3
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