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Trying to remove a mod I don't recall ever downloading.


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Good luck! Updating that many mods can be a real pain!


Also, I think SkyUI is way in the wrong place. You also need to check you have the correct version of that for either the separates or USLEEP.



In my Load Order, I have:






Like you, I can't remember atm which is which, exactly (without checking my Backup Mod Folders, where I keep copies of everything for manual reversion).


Except that YourMarketStall let's me set up a stall in a town and dump my junk there, leave one of my UFO followers to look after the shop and NPCs will come up and buy stuff.


One of the others let's me trade directly with any NPC. Maybe they both do! I also have a Highwayman mod that let's me threaten and rob any NPC. I have mods for my particular play style, which includes a lot of Bard, Druid, Thief, Ranger, Survivalist and "Build your own Stronghold" mods, so I can go with whatever I fancy.



I don't normally recommend using a Mod Manager as I do not use them myself, so I could not help with any problems that might arise. I do everything manually, which is why I keep backups (which Mod Managers apparently do anyway) and a spreadsheet of my Last Known Good Mod Order, which is why I know when LOOT screws up, like, putting all of my own mods in completely the wrong place and the DLC Patches in the wrong place. Also, some major *.esm mods in the wrong place. Wyrmstooth is one that a lot of people were posting about a few months back.


Anyway, you could read up on the Nexus Mod Manager and Mod Organiser and see it you'd like to try using a mod manager. There are plenty of people who swear by them and will tell you that not using one is just daft. But I prefer to know exactly what I am doing, where things are going and why they do what they do. Then you get an intuitive feel for Load Order and possible sources of conflicts from your own experience. Also, Mod managers can, sometimes screw up Royally, especially when they Auto-Update and start re-downloading all your mods and burn an entire month's download allowance in a few hours. but most importantly, two of my absolute favourite, Must-Have Mods have always stated Do Not Install With a Mod Manager, otherwise they get broken.


It was a steep learning curve back in early 2012, but for me Manual Installation is the only way to go with Mods. You might prefer a manager, though and, as I say, there are plenty of people here and on other fora who can help. They have their own learning curve, though.



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Still having that corrupted text npc trading/bartering issue, any ideas of a direct cause? I don't think I have any mods that let you barter/trade with any non merchant npc.


I was using boss and now loot, and both haven't really been putting things in great order apparently, and yeah, boss isn't supported anymore.


Getting frustrated now, updated mods, and changed the order manually and still this weird bartering/trading mod glitch exists with the corrupted text.

Edited by Crynal
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Found the problem, it's Caliente's beautiful body edition strangely enough, When I turn it off, the problem corrupted barter/trading npc issue vanishes.


Now how to I still use the mod without the problem popping back up?

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Alright, it was some old multi language version of Cbbe I either never deleted or got off steam and unsubscribing didn't remove it. Thanks for helping me. On the plus side your help more then likely made my game more stable and less crash prone.


This was just one oddball mod glitch from a unlikely source.

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