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Honest question for authors.


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I would mind. Especially if I had explicitly stated that my mod is not to be uploaded anywhere else. And, like Gruffydd pointed out, If the person who downloads the mod from here, has the mod for their own use already, why do they need to upload it onto another website once they already have it? It is unnecessary labor to add it to another site, especially through the CK-to-methesda.net system, and makes you wonder what is their true purpose/motive for having it there at all. If the answer is so that they may play it on their console, then it goes back to my first point - If I said no to it being uploaded somewhere else, then no means no.


No, he's asking if you care if they upload it privately in order to use it on consoles.


Though I do agree, this would be a pretty corny thing to do considering they need a PC copy of FO4 to be able to do that anyway.

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Lol, f*#@ing console peasants. And f*#@ those incompetent f*#@s at Bethesda too. Can't even manage to think of a right hand side bolt firearm, let alone handle adult business. Not bashing the artists that worked for Bethesda. I'm sure they outsources most of the content anyway. What matters is management. They repeatedly demonstrate incompetence. I wish we could start a gofundme page to get enough money to buy the Fallout Franchise off their hands. It's like seeing your childhood-dream being perverted.

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As long as its for personal use and you aren't publicly distributing it claiming you are the author then I'd have no problem with it.

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