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Dual Wield


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I'm willing to believe this has already been requested at least half a thousand times, but I haven't stumbled across it yet. And I did search for it a few times, in severl formats.

I think it would be way cool if you could dual wield pistols. How one could get that to work is beyond me, but I know it can be done, if it hasn't already.

As a starter note, if one of these already exists, can someone point me in the right direction?

Otherwise, could someone look into this idea?

I think if you could carry two pistols at one time, it would definitely up the gunslinger factor(There is a perk called Gunslinger, isn't there?) for people who want to maintain the use of pistols as weapons.

Now, I know that pistols become of very limited use later in the game, when you are fighting really big uglies like behemoths, but I don't think they would have given you the "small guns skill" if they didn't think you'd want the option to do so.

I think for balance, the ability to lob more bullets at an enemy faster is equaled out by lower accuracy and slower reload time.

I use the Fallout Reborn mod, so this would probably be better served for that, where you get way cooler handguns like the Mk 45., the DE 50., and the Beretta 9mm.

Of course, in that mod, the guns area already way overpowered. I'm talking pistols that do 475 damage a shot.

I'm getting off track.

Any comments, so long as it's not grievous slander.

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