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Trying to remove a piece from a clothing model and can't figure it out, need help.


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I did a little retex mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14050/? of the Hunter's Hood from the Far Harbor DLC and I was trying to remove the bandana portion and have only the hood.


When I opened it up in nifskope it all shows as one item. So I can't do something as simple as selecting the mask part and removing it. So, then I opened it in 3ds and I had no idea what I was looking at there since I'm relatively new to tinkering with mods.


I'd love, not just for someone to do it for me, but rather show me how it's done. If you have the ability to make a video that would obviously be the easiest to show. But if you can explain it well enough for a noob to understand. I'd love to be able to do more basic stuff like this on my own.



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Well, I think I figured it out in the cheap and easy way of just erasing the texture from the dds files. So it works I guess. But if anyone has the energy to actually teach a noob something, I'd love to learn more about using nifskope and other programs to change stuff.

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