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Everything posted by jsxaraan

  1. I'd love some protection on my feet for this armor set? Doesn't look like Bethesda is going to fix it, any update on a mod fix?
  2. Homemaker adds the Covenant walls, but I believe a couple other mods out there may add them as well. I'm not sure about it adding a bunch of wood stuff, but it does add some pre-fab homes that aren't nav-meshed as well. You can delete items individually from the build menu using FO4edit if you want to keep parts of it.
  3. I didn't read every page in this thread, but just saw that L0rd pulled his stuff b/c of all the crap going on. All I can say is this makes me sad. :sad: One of the biggest deals for me with these games is setting my character up to look a certain way and his mods were the best - by far - for what I had in mind for the characters I made up. He was also very cool with allowing others (and me) to release retextures. Sorry to see you go man. :sad: :sad:
  4. Well, I think I figured it out in the cheap and easy way of just erasing the texture from the dds files. So it works I guess. But if anyone has the energy to actually teach a noob something, I'd love to learn more about using nifskope and other programs to change stuff.
  5. I did a little retex mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14050/? of the Hunter's Hood from the Far Harbor DLC and I was trying to remove the bandana portion and have only the hood. When I opened it up in nifskope it all shows as one item. So I can't do something as simple as selecting the mask part and removing it. So, then I opened it in 3ds and I had no idea what I was looking at there since I'm relatively new to tinkering with mods. I'd love, not just for someone to do it for me, but rather show me how it's done. If you have the ability to make a video that would obviously be the easiest to show. But if you can explain it well enough for a noob to understand. I'd love to be able to do more basic stuff like this on my own.
  6. I had the same problem when I recently started a new character. I ended up deactivating all mods in NMM, then verifying files in steam and launching the game in vanilla to get started. Then once I was out of the vault I saved and loaded up all my mods and got rolling ok.
  7. I recently began watching Gopher's NV playthroughs and loved this pack his character was using: http://i.imgur.com/g3LHlCf.jpg I thought that it looked more interesting that the existing duffle bag in game (the long skinny green one) and would offer a different look/style than a typical backpack. If anyone feels the urge. I just don't know how to go about creating something from scratch like that. Most of my limited knowledge is just tinkering in xedit and textures in paint.
  8. It's ok. It's not the end-all, be-all some people make it out to be. Really not that much harder, but just enough harder to be interesting and make sure you don't get too lazy. My mods loaded up ok, I run just under 200 with 170-80 plugins. I did end up adding a save and console enable for survival because of a couple bugs and crashes that occurred and caused annoyances to me. Because of how quickly the day passes in these games, it feels like you are needing to eat and drink every five minutes. Don't know if it's worth changing unless you also change the amount of time that passes too, so I haven't messed with that yet. The dirty beds thing is a little annoying when it's one of your own settlements, so might change that at some point. I just did my first run through the glowing sea on the new survival. I didn't have a enviro suit or power armor, but still had good rad resist with modded outfits (it was about 500 with rad-x). And in combination with true storms (with inc. rad storm damage), darker nights, stronger deathclaws and not bringing extra food and chems it was pretty interesting and forced me to consume extra food and water b/c of extra chem use and caused me to run through my stock faster and had me scavenging a bit more at any stops there. So that was kind of neat, but probably wouldn't have been as hard without the extra mods added in.
  9. I was just coming back to this thread to post that I fixed it (in my own way, not sure if it's the "best" fix or correct fix, but it seems to work). In the materials editor I removed the Environment Map Texture link and after that all seems fine in the game. Awesome to see you are back working on it dogtooth, I saw you had computer issues so wasn't sure when you'd be able to work on it.
  10. I don't find this to be the case, but maybe I haven't tried some of the same mods. I usually find them weaker. Especially considering in the vanilla game you can get ballistic weave on an outfit and headpiece, not much will equal that unless you are really stacking extra stuff. In the end though, there is always the option of self control. Not even counting changing stats yourself in FO4edit, you could just not upgrade to Weave level 5 if you felt it made things to OP for example. I know that's crazy talk, but it's an option. In the end, it's just our own view for what we want in our own game and will never be perfect for everyone.
  11. I've been working with material editor, fo4edit, nifskope and all that a bit lately and have learned a few things, but I'm far from proficient. One issue I've failed to fix (the mod author doesn't seem to have figured it out either yet, or hasn't had time to maybe) is on the Veteran Ranger armor - the metal portions turn "chrome" when wet (when raining). I've tinkered with material editor a little, but haven't had success finding the issue yet. They said on the mod they were fixing it and I think one patch was supposed to, but it still happens for me (maybe it was worse before - not sure). What I'm wondering is if anyone can offer any guidance on options to check/change that I can look into with one of the files. Would love to learn how to fix it myself if possible.
  12. Having the exact same problem. Can't approach the entire section where the lair is without crashing, this is after finishing the DLC.
  13. It's relatively new, but I feel what it can offer some will go unnoticed because of it's main purpose: Gannicus Modular Armor http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39730//? Most will see it as a half naked gladiator armor and keep going if they aren't into that, but I tried it b/c of the modular title and was able to add the leggings to any armor out there that was skirt only. I know there are a couple 'pants' mods, but they change the look of the armor too much for my taste, especially if you had a nice retex like amidianborn. This allows you to keep whatever look you have and just add pants/leggings under leather/imperial/studded/etc armor. He even made an optional file where he took the red banding off of them for me so it's all tan. I also posted some images in the comments there (should be easy to find, not a lot of comments). But for all the talk I hear of gamers not liking the naked legs, this fixes that. Now if I can just get him to make some sleeves like that.
  14. It's really cool to get these big updates about things going on with the site, thanks for that. I can relate to a lot of the issues you've talked about. The site I write for is in a similar situation with doing our own ads and not making the money we should for our size, it really gets annoying. We also do all the behind the scenes stuff ourselves and there is never a day off it seems. I'm happy you want to keep hold of the reigns though and not sell out to investors - that really changes a business.
  15. I saw a mod a while back for a female bodysuit similar to what I'm requesting. The modder liked some of the crazy female armors, but didn't want their character to look half naked, so made a form fitting suit (out of black or similar texture). I can't remember the name of the mod though. What I was hoping for was something similar for men, but maybe in a dark leather color. Something that could operate as pants or sleeves on various armors. Instead of looking for individual armors that have added sleeves or pants (and often they modify the armors more than needed when they do), this would allow you to put on a variety of armor over top. So when you where imperial, leather armors, etc. they would have pants under the skirts (not replacing the skirts) or when you wear the steel armor, you would have sleeves between the fur of the shoulders and the gauntlets, etc.
  16. Well, my search continued after my post here and eventually I found what I was looking for I believe in Grimoas Scarfs and Gugels. Sorry for posting the thread now, but I'd been searching for days and had no luck. Figures I'd find it after I posted this.
  17. I think this is an easy request, but then again, I don't know a thing about modding so apologies in advance if what I'm asking for is crazy. What I've been looking for (and have yet to find) is a fur article of clothing like the mini-cloak/shoulder-wrap/shawl thing that is on the fur armor. Not the whole top part, just the over-piece. The closest I've been able to find is in the mod: Greaves Return, where you can piece together tops and bottoms of armor. In that mod are three different 'fur cuirass' options, one for the bare chested, shoulder wrap thing only. But it counts as your armor if you equip it, then what you are wearing disappears. I haven't had luck finding a mod that had this piece as if it were a cloak (using that slot). Though I've found several other cloak options, nothing quite like that (so if it is out there and I haven't found out, please let me know). My hope is that someone could take that piece, that's already modeled and all (just using whats in the vanilla game - then any texture packs would work on it as well), and just turn it into a 'cloak slot' item or something?
  18. Yea, I use the NMM... really I think I'd be lost without it, but it wasn't working with that. The instructions on the author page were the same as they always seem to be which seems to give directions on how to install it without the NMM. So I tried to follow that and probably did it wrong, but figure it out. I unzipped both files... then used the new texture files and dropped them in to overwrite the existing files then rezipped it under a new name and installed it as a mod from that zip file with the NMM. I might have done it a roundabout way, but it seems to have worked.
  19. I'm wondering if anyone might be able to help me out here. Most of the mods I use work by either steam or NMM just activating and going. I don't have to do anything weird with dropping info in folders or any of that so I might be at a loss if this requires that to be done. The Geralt Selkirk jacket mod that makes the jacket darker is what I'm trying to get to work. It said it applies to this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5588 which I have and when you craft the jacket normally it is black with a lot of orange and color I didn't care much for. The mod makes it all black and brown http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10834 I installed that after the other and activated it after the other. Also tried uninstalling and reinstalling them both in order and activating them. Still everytime I craft it I wind up with the original. I realize I have to be doing something wrong or not doing something I need to be doing so I was hoping that someone a little more mod savy can offer me some guidance here. Thank you.
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