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Thieves in Skyrim


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Light Armor perks have been revealed...?


aah I take it back, I thought I saw it somewere but I guess I was wrong, and when I looked at the heavy armor buffs it seems like they are aiming for the same thing as in Oblivion: heavy/light equality threw being near identical (heavy armor eventually gets no weight/movement impairments, wich basically is the main difference between it and light armor then if they keep up with copying pasta buffs from Oblivion light armor will get those overbuffs to defense gaining the same armor induced survivability to put it on par with heavy armor..)


anyways just means more to mod... lol

Edited by Alistat
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i personally believe the Thief has always been the most useless of all the archetypes, I say that only in terms of applicability in its skills.

TERRIBLY moreso now in skyrim.

*Lockpicking? as one of the SIX skills? what a shame.

*Removal of Acrobatics, i understand in terms of better gameplay, but it should have been nerfed, rather than removed.

*Speechcraft<my beauty> has become unbearibly useless. I was wishing for the ability to turn people on eachother, create possies, misconstrue accusations, Throw my voice to distract guards, orchestrate murders, and just become a smooth talking untouchable shadow. BUT INSTEAD...I GET BETTER PRICES.


The theif skills are, and have always been the Athletics of TES, applicable in all situations. but terribly ignored, and unfocused on by devs. Play Skyrim as a pure thief. I DARE YOU

Edited by TroloWiseEared
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Stealth skills deal with what they are supposed to, avoiding being detected. In that regard the thief perks are pretty awesome. Hiding in plane sight, pickpocketing equipped armor and weapons, poison potency... etc.


I fear it is a poor misconception to think that an assassin is closer related to a thief, when in reality they are a warrior as much as an archer, they simply utilize the elements of surprise to their advantage. A true thief wouldnt ever need a weapon on their person. Same with an expert assassin...


The only worry is that the assassin setup (light armor, stealth and dual wielding daggers) makes charectors much weaker out of stealth to the point were they will be all too subpar to warriors because stealth is trash in boss battles and even worse in any encounter (not in a dark unlit cave) with multiple enemies...


Time will only tell, but that's just the worry

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When I played a thief/sniper I always wnet unarmored. The essence of the thief is not being caught: when threatened, sprinkle your escape plan with Illusion and voilà, you're set ;)


As already said, reverse pickpocketing/poisoning means lots of fun. Dark Brotherhood here I come :D

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Im gonna play Skyrim on the console, so modding is not an option. Anyway people gonna find a way to make the class enoyable to play(including me) Im still going archery with the thief with or without the 30 % stone buff. Seems that i need to kill a bit more with my bow to lvl it up lol. with many hours of gameplay Skyrim will have the stats will be maxed out anyway.
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Hmm... wonder if you can actually sneak up on dragons or if they just appear out of the sky randomly... can we spot one in the distance perhaps? Just resting or something?


Sneak killing a sleeping dragon would be pretty awesome :) Highly unlikely you'd reach that kinda damage, but at least hurt it pretty badly.

Edited by Adrius2
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Stealth skills deal with what they are supposed to, avoiding being detected. In that regard the thief perks are pretty awesome. Hiding in plane sight, pickpocketing equipped armor and weapons, poison potency... etc.


I fear it is a poor misconception to think that an assassin is closer related to a thief, when in reality they are a warrior as much as an archer, they simply utilize the elements of surprise to their advantage. A true thief wouldnt ever need a weapon on their person. Same with an expert assassin...


The only worry is that the assassin setup (light armor, stealth and dual wielding daggers) makes charectors much weaker out of stealth to the point were they will be all too subpar to warriors because stealth is trash in boss battles and even worse in any encounter (not in a dark unlit cave) with multiple enemies...


Time will only tell, but that's just the worry



Again... Assassins are WARRIORS... they wont be punished in a boss battle. Sure, you would be used to having your sneak multipliers, but your bow is JUST AS EFFECTIVE as an archers. Same with daggers and 1H weapons... you do JUST AS WELL as a warrior. In terms of light and heavy armors, they are made to be balanced, speed vs effectiveness, not sneak vs effectiveness (event though passively weight does effect sneak). Poisons and their effectiveness are also an added benefit of being an assassin. The stealth aspect (again) is an approach to the 2 ways to play. And as an assassin the only skill that you need is sneak, and in that tree you can hide in plain sight and get multipliers. Alchemy and reverse pickpocketing would benefit a dedicated assassin, but even then sneak is needed to apply these skills effectively by appropriate stealthy, indirect means.

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