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Correct Navmeshing Variables


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The Correct Navmeshing Settings: For Navmeshing




Hello Everyone, I am JCDenton2012 and this article will be one of many resources that I will be publishing in numerous other areas in order to properly make this most recent information regarding world cell creation pubic knowledge. For the past few months I have been tinkering around with Regional Navmeshing Options in hopes of discovering the reason why Regional Navmeshing does not work with the GECK, as in, why does the Regional Navmeshing always end badly. My discovering was that the GECK’s Default Factory Settings for Navmeshing ARE WRONG. Therefore, I will give the more-correct factory settings as well as properly explain the functions of Regional Navmeshing. I will do this because the default factory settings have likely caused many modders who would have otherwise created new world cells to otherwise abandon their projects after discovering that they could not create their final products.




Important (You should always read things next to the word important): This article assumes that you already know that Regional Navmeshing is the most efficient means of navmeshing world cells by creating border regions. Therefore, no explanation will be given on how to create border regions. Emphasis will instead be placed upon the factors which go into navmeshing of the area within a border region.




After Selecting: Auto-Generate Navmesh for this Region, the NavMesh Auto Generation Box will appear. You will notice the resulting factory stats in the boxes. These are, of course, wrong.


You need to change the following stats to the following stats in order to optimize the process:


Cell Count Limit 1000 to 2000


Simplification from anything to 8-9


Max-Walkable Angle 43. To 60.




The Cell Count Limit is the maximum number of triangles that will be taken into consideration when manufacturing the Navmeshing. The higher this number the more accurately the navmeshing will represent the terrain, but also the longer the process will take.




Simplification determines how much the GECK will take the generated navmeshing triangles and “simplify” them so that they take up as less space and represent the terrain the best of their abilities. The higher this faction 1-10, the better the results. This also depends heavily on the Cell Count Limit.




Max-Walkable Angle determines the degree of probable navigation for the GECKs IA. Increasing this faction from 43 degrees to 60 degrees allows more triangles to be formed at something more representing of the terrain. Keep in mind that you are generating not only generating the area you want to generate, but all areas that are being generated. It is best to make this factor between 60-70 for the best possible and most reasonable results.




Min Valid Island Area means individual triangles represented as stand-alone in size. The minimum size they must be in order to be created and remain in the generation. Make this a low number, or leave it as-is or else small triangles represented slight inclines will not be maintained.




Longest Edge Width determines the longest con-joining edges between triangles. Unless you are doing some amazingly freaky terrain this also doesn’t need to be altered.




Never do Faster Generation. When navmeshing just weigh down the enter key and walk away. This is so that you can ignore all the errors until the very end when you address them with Advanced Navmeshing before Approving your mod for final release.



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