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Deadly Reflex 6 issues...


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I have deadly reflex installed, but for some reason, I can't use bash or any other moves like that. There's also no message popping up saying "Deadly Reflex is ready" or anything whenever I start Oblivion. Also, how to I get the HUD momentum bar to work? The HUD status bar mod works, but I can't see the momentum bar :(...any ideas?
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Have you looked through the Deadly Reflex mod comments for answers (ya I know ... even I wouldn't read through 783 pages of comments, but you'll find your answers in the last dozen or so, I know I've seen Xtudo working through issues the same as yours). Edited by Striker879
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Try posting all the particulars in the Deadly Reflex comments thread. Xtudo and omeletted just about compete to see who can answer questions first.
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