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Animations not displaying


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Having downloaded Sexy Walks and DMC Stylish (correctly, to the best of my knowledge), they don't seem to work correctly in game. Sexy Walks doesn't seem to show up in any way, and DMC only seems to work in the menu when your character is being previewed.


I tried moving the .kf files from the Specialanims folder to the _male folder and temporarily rewriting the files they're supposed to use for my character, and that worked, but for every NPC in the game. So it seems like Oblivion simply isn't using the Specialanims folder for some reason.


The ESP's are all in the correct locations and enabled, and changing the load order doesn't seem to do anything. Any help?

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Sexy Walk only work in specialAnims for specified characters only (usually the player, or for select NPCs). To make it work, you need an esp file, which assigne Sexy Walk to the character.


Do you have an esp coming with the sexy walk? Otherwise you need to make one yourself.

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Sexy Walk only work in specialAnims for specified characters only (usually the player, or for select NPCs). To make it work, you need an esp file, which assigne Sexy Walk to the character.


Do you have an esp coming with the sexy walk? Otherwise you need to make one yourself.


I downloaded the sexywalk OMOD, so unless for some strange reason that esp did not come with the omod, I should have it. There is a swalk.esp and SW01.esp in my mod list. I've tried enabling and disabling them in different combinations to no avail.

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I don't know which mod swalk.esp is from. But SW01.esp comes with mur_zik's SexyWalk, and that DOES NOT include the player. Only all female Dark seducers and Golden Saints.


swalk.esp is supposed to be the one for the player. It does have mur_zik listed as the author.

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I don't know which mod swalk.esp is from. But SW01.esp comes with mur_zik's SexyWalk, and that DOES NOT include the player. Only all female Dark seducers and Golden Saints.


swalk.esp is supposed to be the one for the player. It does have mur_zik listed as the author.


The esps of mur_zik original mod working for the player are SW01Minus.esp, and SW01Plus.esp


This swalk.esp is only part of the "Sexywalks by Mur_Zik Compilation v1_2" file, so I didn't see it at first.


All 3 esps activate the file "0Sexywalk01.kf" for the player. Do you have that in your SpecialAnims folder?


If so, and if if you have activated one of those 3 esps, then I can only think of one possible reason for not working: the dreaded UAC security problem on Vista/Win 7.

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The other thing that's been coming up lately is problems caused by Steam resetting the bsa dates to newer dates. Are you using the Steam version of Oblivion by any chance Stostri?
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I don't know which mod swalk.esp is from. But SW01.esp comes with mur_zik's SexyWalk, and that DOES NOT include the player. Only all female Dark seducers and Golden Saints.


swalk.esp is supposed to be the one for the player. It does have mur_zik listed as the author.


The esps of mur_zik original mod working for the player are SW01Minus.esp, and SW01Plus.esp


This swalk.esp is only part of the "Sexywalks by Mur_Zik Compilation v1_2" file, so I didn't see it at first.


All 3 esps activate the file "0Sexywalk01.kf" for the player. Do you have that in your SpecialAnims folder?


If so, and if if you have activated one of those 3 esps, then I can only think of one possible reason for not working: the dreaded UAC security problem on Vista/Win 7.



Okay now this is just weird. I downloaded the sexy_walk main file, added plus and minus, activated plus, and now everything but the normal walk works, including DMC! The walk with a one-handed weapon out works even though I didn't download that one. Now I'm REALLY confused.


I'm not running off of steam, and I run most of my computer games (including this one) off of a computer with a nice graphics card running Windows XP. No UAC here.

Edited by Stostri
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