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New Vegas Import Kerberos


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I was wondering if it'd be possible to import an armor mod from New Vegas.


This one here - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35081/?


It's the police uniform from Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade, and it was pretty badass in New Vegas. Not really lore breaking either, looks right at home alongside NCR Ranger armor. Anyways I was just wondering if importing it is even possible or if it'd have to be remade from scratch. The original author doesn't seem to have been active since June of last year, so I don't know how you'd get permission from them to import it if it's even possible to do so in the first place.


Image is from the user image section of the mod on the nexus, thanks to whoever originally took it.

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I don't think it's importable
so it'd have to be remade from scratch unless someone else is already making one
that said... there's a current workaround for most of this

if you use the NCR facemask (from one of the two mods that give this)
alongside an army helmet, with robot armour?
you can look like it I think
there's also this for the armours (you'll have to follow directions)
(NCR - allows for red glowing eyes, or just black eyes on the mask)
there's also this one (there's two NCR ranger veteran armour mods, this one's slightly different I believe but somewhat similar so it's a stylistic choice on your part)

for one of those BEAST machine guns...
WH-MK-22 - sure it doesn't look like an MG42 but eh if you're looking at anything other than bloodsplatter when you mow things down with an HMG I worry about your sanity

Edited by tartarsauce2
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Well that sucks, I don't have the skill to remake it myself, so I hope someone who actually has the skill does. I'd also like to see the Elite Riot Gear from NV as well, that armor was sick as f*#@.

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