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Pre-Order Bonus


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Hey all ,


Just wondering what / if any bonus you guys get when you pre-order the game, where you are from?


Gamestop here in Ireland are offering the two novels The Infernal City and Lord of Souls( free of charge of course ) , if you pre-order.

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I pre-ordered the normal version last week and will get the books :P


I already have the first book though, so if anyone wants it, maybe I can send it out to you at no charge :biggrin:


Im nice like that lol

Edited by IrishBiscuit
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i was asking the same some time ago. It seems that you get a high quality map if you order it in Europe or North America. There will be also a collectors edition, which will have a statue and a book inside. As far as i remember the Russians will have a skyrim amulet inside.





@Adrius, why not ordering from amazon in GB?

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