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Modify Battlehorn Castle DLC?


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I had Battlehorn castle and tried to modify it through the cs, but it wouldnt save and eventually the cs 'ate' it? if i redownload it...is there a way to mod it?


It shouldnt be a problem as far as I know, Ive only ever extended it though instead of changing the mod itself. But there is nothing special about the mod that means it shouldnt be moddable, to the best of my knowledge. The CS loads it just fine, so it understands its content.


The question is, were you using vista/win7 and if so had you installed in Program Files, if so, modding is hard. If thats the case you need to reinstall oblivion somewhere that Win7/vista doesnt see as a protected location, personally I use c:\games - and it should work just fine.

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If you are ever planning on releasing a mod of Battlehorn to the public you can't just edit the DLCBattlehornCastle.esp, at least you won't be able to release it through TESNEXUS as it will be copyright infringement (and the same goes for any other DLCs). You will need to do something called mod de-isolation. You see an esp just modifies the records in an esm (which is a master file). If you try to load DLCBattlehorn.esp in the CS and then save your edits to MyBattlehorn.esp your changes won't show up in-game. To do so you need to temporarily turn DLCBattlehornCastle.esp into an esm, make your edits and save them to MyBattlehorn.esp (or whatever name you chose) and then turn DLCBattlehornCastle.esm back into an esp.


Here's an article from the Construction Set Wiki with more detailed information: De-Isolation Tutorial

Edited by Striker879
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