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Damage REDUCTION mod?


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See, there's all these mods out there that give everyone 10x damage, making it "realistic" as everyone is one hit killed by an iron dagger and/or spoon. What I'd quite like though is a mod that does the opposite, reducing all damage dealt by everything by, lets, say, 50% or something along those lines, give or take 30%~. Preferably done via a power applied to all races to make it compatible with overhauls. I far prefer the back and forth of combat, not sprinting away and occasionally turning around to slap an orc in heavy armor with a base dagger and slaughtering him. If anyones more skilled at this sort of thing then I, they're free to make and share it, or if anyone knows of a mod that does this, reducing the damage dealt by everything, then that would be highly appreciated as well. Thanks in advance.


Edit: If it wasn't clear, I'm asking for this to be applied to everyone and everything, not just the player and not just NPCs. If I wanted that I'd just adjust the difficulty settings. Want equality with the damage reduction.

Edited by Bladecatcher
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