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The Final Playthrough >Has To Be Epic<



20 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you going to get Skyrim?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Are you playing through Oblivion one last time?

    • Yes
    • No

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Hi there :)

I decided to play through obliivon once more before Skyrim comes out, but it's gotta be epic.

So, imma have to mod it :D (not that I mind ^^ )

I was wondering if other people are doing the same thing, and if so, what mods they use for this very special playthrough.

Me myself, am using a lot of mods, but the best are Qarls, UL, OOO, cobl, Enhanced Grabbing, OCC, and runeskulls.

Also going to make some mods myself ;p


So... Plzz make ur top 10 mods!!

(Keep in mind that these are only supposed to be additions to oblivion, in the trend of "old times", and try to list less popular ones :) )

My list (in no particular order):


- Exnem Runeskulls

- Oblivion Collectible Cards

- Phitts Artifacts

- DK High Imperial

- Persuasion Overhaul

- Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing

- Unique Landscapes

- All Natural

- Cobl


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Well geez! -loads up OBMM- Here we go :P


These aren't in any specific order.


1) ImpeREAL Cities Unique Districts - Purely for vanity reasons but it makes the place look so good ^^

2) aaaBors Bedrolls - Makes portable bedrolls for sale by merchants, great for camping :P

3) Demoness race - So pretty

4) Wyverex's Runes

5) Colourwheels Sexy Stock Armor and Clothing Replacer - Makes the women look more like women haha

6) The Imperial Waters - Adds waterfalls to the IC where the pools are - great for believability (and pretty)

7) Spell Delete and Item Remove - So handy omg.

8) Powdertop - Cosy enough, and out of the way.

9) Dungeon Explorer - HAWT

10) Lynge's Dark Brotherhood Assassins - Adds some flavour.


Can't wait to see other people's top 10 lists!!

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Awwww... you won't be able to play my mod when it's finished (probably around Decemberish time). Just the few quests I've added are pretty challenging, let alone the thousands of small but noticeable (you really can tell a difference over time) little immersion tweaks I've been doing.


Oh well :P.


I'd suggest you play the Archeology Guild quest mod. It's epic, long, and I've heard it's really great all the way through to the end (I haven't messed with it too much except to get ideas for my own mod).

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Play Oblivion again, of course I will, but not for the last time :)

My must-haves:

- full FCOM with all the trimmings

- Better Cities full

- Unique Landscapes (all)

- Weather All Natural

- Darnified UI

- Enhanced Hotkeys

- OBSE of course

- HGEC BBB RHH :whistling:

- Apachii Goddess Store and a lot of other Clothes/Armor Mods

- Glenvar Castle

- Elsweyr the Deserts of Anequina

wow, more then 10 already :smile:

and every Questmod i can find :)


Will I get Skyrim? I have to say probably because if Bethesda decides to make an english version unavailable in germany for some reason then my answer would be NO.

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I voted yes to all, and actually, I won't be playing Oblivion just one more time, but rather many times. I have too many personal mods that I doubt I'll see in Skyrim tied into Oblivion to give it up completely.


I also plan on buying Skyrim, but not right away. It'll be awhile before I can.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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I am going to get Skyrim, but I am not going to play Oblivion "one last time." I am going to keep on playing Oblivion whenever I feel like. I am not completely done playing Morrowind for that matter. If Skyrim is no good for one reason or another, then I probably won't play it much and will play Oblivion more. It seems like there is the high danger than nobody will be able to play Skyrim with decent graphics because Bethesda does not know how to live within its means and always makes games designed for powerful computers that don't exist yet. (Dumb! dumb! dumb!)
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