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@Dark0ne (<-- Bethesda.cancer style) GTKY Nexus Owner DOOOOO IT@!


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Someone clearly making bad assumptions about my wife. Have you met me? Now take a guess as to how bloody kinky someone who pressured ME of all people to get married is.


I'm sure she had a lot of fun while doing it. I have a feeling that, if the two of us (not talking about you DD, so you don't have to worry -I think) would ever met, we would get along just fine.

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Someone clearly making bad assumptions about my wife. Have you met me? Now take a guess as to how bloody kinky someone who pressured ME of all people to get married is.


I'm sure she had a lot of fun while doing it. I have a feeling that, if the two of us (not talking about you DD, so you don't have to worry -I think) would ever met, we would get along just fine.


Bum chika bow wow.... :P

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Too bad the site that shall not be named (has something to do with "love") isn't further along in their mod development.


If they were all the mod authors could make their work detect consoles and once detected have a very very fast invulnerable death claw graphically rape the console player character to death every time they load a save.




It seems they might be in need of your help and blessing DD. If you need inspiration you can always look up Shadmans Vault Meat artwork. Just don't get caught by your wife.


Also since it's your thread DD, you should have put 18+ tag on it from the very beginning. We all know how it always ends.



Someone clearly making bad assumptions about my wife. Have you met me? Now take a guess as to how bloody kinky someone who pressured ME of all people to get married is.


Meh, she probably just knows where the bodies are buried.

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Pay attention, I say, PAY ATTENTION BOY!!!


If you read any threads but your own you'd know that the mods here have you on IGNORE.


Nobody with any credibility will stand by you, and they certainly aren't going to talk to you.


You're a pariah (look it up boy) in this community. Delete your account and start over punk. That way you stop ruining the reputation of the amazing artists who have associated with you in the past.




How is that possible?


Because infants come in all ages, and adults come in all ages. But since the dawn of time An adult can identify an infant throwing a tantrum from a mile away.


The nursery rhyme from 100s of years ago so easily fit the situation because you are a run of the mill snot nose kid. "It was so easy" to adapt the rhyme to apply to you, and it "is soooooo funny!"

Little Elmo == You're so shallow and little, beneath us all
sat in a corner == Nobody wants to play with you, you're freakin' weird
eating a whole plum pie == You're a fat greedy internet troll, that pie is made entirely of plums
stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!" == You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one.
Get it now?
Little Elmo Horner sat in a corner eating a whole plum pie.
Stuck in his thumb, pulled out a plum, and said "what a smart boy am I!"
And in case you're still too slow to understand the deeper implication.
You stuck your thumb in a pie filled with plums and thought you were brilliant for finding one. == You spent 25 minutes on coding and testing and pronounced yourself brilliant "it was so easy!"
Your fail DRM == a 25 minute plum pie.
Thank you for attending another YOU GOT PWNED KID production

For the good of the Nexus please shut your whine hole and let the grown-ups talk. That means stop posting topics with mile long all caps arrows 'look at me look at me' desperation.


You seem to like being spanked in public, over and over again. You really do have some deep seated problems. But here you go...



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Yeah jump to defend his actions. 'Cus I'm the big bad outsider.


Are you sure you've read ALL that Baby Elmo said to stay confident in your support of him?


And it doesn't make you wonder why he keeps getting warnings and threads closed, while what you criticize as 'lacking maturity' is perfectly fine with the mods here?


You might want to re-read what this cretin has written, and consider it for a moment before blindly defending this child.


And you might take time to ponder why baby elmo's late night/early morning posts are viewed much less, and my posts go up early morning, are up all day long, seen by far more people, and the mods are totally ok with it.


Is there just the slightest little chance that every mod on here is thanking me for calling out this infant, in a way they can't because of their position and relationships in the community?


And is there just the slightest chance that we adults see exactly who is defending this kid and have a memory that lasts longer than a day?

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If I saw anyone else taking action, I wouldn't have to.


If it makes me a hypocrite to this community I guess that's the consequences I bear.


To be honest with you, I don't feel like a hypocrite at all. When I said PWNED I was using baby talk to speak to a baby.


His posts are littered with Kutesy Psykhoti© internet speak. I'm just speaking down to his level.

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If you read any threads but your own you'd know that the mods here have you on IGNORE.


Not really... I am on Darren-watch 24/7, just to keep him in line. :wink:


As for the rest of your posts;

It seems like you have picked DD as a target for your insults and derogatory comments. We do not take lightly on harassment on NexusMods, and your behavior is starting to resemble that due to the sheer amount of posts you've thrown his way in his threads. Please stay civil, and do not resort to personal insults towards other NexusMods users.


Arguments and discussions are fine, but keep the personal insults out of it.

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