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adding a spell that summons an NPC

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Hopefully this isn't too stupid a question, but here goes anyway. I've modded Fallout before, but not Dragon Age. Before I start tearing into/breaking my game too much with a modding program I know nothing about yet, I thought I'd ask people with actual experience-- would it be possible to create a spell that would summon a (previously killed) NPC? My thinking is to execute Loghain at the Landsmeet, then summon him during the battle with the archdemon so all the GOOD wardens get to live. I know it could be done with console commands, but it'd be nice if I could actually incorporate it into the game a little more...realistically.


Is this feasible, or should I just resort to the console and leave well enough alone?


Thanks for any feedback!



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  • 2 weeks later...

It can be done, easily, no problem.


The question is SHOULD you and will it have the impact that you think it will. There are a lot of flags set to identify the current 'world state'. If you have Loghain make the ultimate sacrifice after you have killed him....

  • will the game recognize that he is eligible to take the killing blow even though he is standing right there?
  • What will Alistair's reaction be? Will he treat you as if you are dead? Will he get in a snit because you made Loghain a GW?
  • How will the epilogue slides turn out?

I don't know the answers to these questions and don't plan to look them up, but you should be aware of them and decide how you will deal with them (one option is to 'fix' the flags after Loghain is dead - again)

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Thank you for the input. The NPC reactions and ending slides work out all right when you just summon L with the console, so I don't expect it would be any different if he were summoned by spell instead, but those are all good points to consider. I appreciate the help.

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Since you have already thought it through....


I wouldn't go with a spell, I wouldise a "unique item". If I remember correctly the scroll that you get from Niall is a unique item so you can use it as an example. Or you could create a placeable and tie a conversation to it that would cause the "call Loghain" script to run. Or you could use a prcscr file to automatically call Loghain when you enter the area for the final battle.


All of those options are easier to implement than a spell would be. For more information, the toolset wiki is the best source of information.

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