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NPC creation help


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Ok,so I'm new at modding and I'm not sure if this is something that can Fixed easily. I was creating a companion with cs and I tried to use armor from a different mod(mod owner said it was okay) in cs my companion showed up having all of the armor and weapons I had put on him, but when I went into my oblivion to test it out before posting(it looked like a nice companion) and to my surprise my companion was naked(well, as naked as you can be in oblivion) I tried to edit him again,but it still didnt work.So, any thoughts or advice to fix this. Edited by Unknowna8
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The problem is an esp is just changes that are made to a master file (esm). Without some fiddling your MyComanion.esp can't use ThisOtherGuysCoolArmor.esp as a master. It's called de-isolation. Here's a Construction Set Wiki article on it: De-Isolation Tutorial.
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Thanks, that helped me out a lot. So, I will have to change "my companion" .esp to .esm so the "awesome armor" modifies the "my companion".please correct me if I'm wrong I would really lIke to figure this stuff out. Edited by Unknowna8
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It sounds like you might be backwards. Usually the armor mod would be an .esp which is acting as an .esm (a master.) Then your companion mod which refers to the mod with custom armor would be the .esp.


The hard part is always espifying and esmifying in Wrye Bash at the proper time while building the mod because one false click and you have ruined the whole thing and have to load up an old copy and redo your latest work.

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