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Oblivion FPS Help


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Hello everyone,

I reinstalled Oblivion and have been modding it for the last couple of weeks whilst upgrading my PC at the same time. My FPS was particularly bad (as in, literally 0fps whilst raining in the middle of Bravil whilst in combat, with Open Better Cities and many other graphic-intense mods installed) and it took around 5mins to do a full 360 with extreme stutter and lag. But I was fine with this as I was still getting my game modded to a level I was happy with and waiting to install new upgrades. On average, I was getting 3-6fps during the day walking through a town, with pretty bad stuttering and lag, especially when turning around. Indoors was pretty much perfectly fine, with an average fps of about 25, sometimes higher.


Anyway, I've now finished upgrading my PC and I'm happy with the mods I have installed (apart from a few small things here and there). I've upgraded my graphics card, my power supply, my RAM, a new secondary hard drive and my case (with fans, as I was getting near to overheating problems before). With all of these upgrades, I was expecting a major fps increase. While my fps has increased and the stuttering and lag when turning is almost gone, I'm not completely satisfied with the outcome. I get around 8-15fps in cities at night and from 30-60, sometimes even over 100, indoors. This is after I've disabled Vsync and enabled triple buffering. I've also used the 4gb patch and I do have an edited .ini file.


I'm assuming most of the lag is coming from having Better Cities installed, along with a bunch of other graphic-intense mods, but I was just hoping that with brand new hardware my fps would increase by a large amount. Is there anything else I could do to increase my fps without sacrificing my mods/graphic quality? Could the fps drop have anything to do with my hard drive, seeing as though that's pretty much the only thing I haven't upgraded? I've put my before and after specs at the bottom of this post.

I mean, Oblivion is playable just now, I can live with the fps I'm getting (though I haven't tried installing OBGE yet and I really want to try it out) I would just really like to see an increase for the hardware I have. Any insight into this, or any help anyone can give with this would be greatly appreciated. I read somewhere that deleting my ini and cfg files and letting them be recreated might help, is this true?


Before Specs;

OS: Windows 7 64-bit

Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H

Processor: AMD Phenom II x6 3.2GHz

Graphics Card: Nvidia GTS 250

RAM: 4GB DDR 1333MHz

PSU: 550W (I think, I can't actually remember)


After Specs;


Graphics Card: Nvidia GTX 570 SOC

RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600MHz

PSU: 850W


Thanks to everyone for taking the time to read this and hopefully help me out a bit. If you need me to post anything else, just let me know.

Edited by LoloPinky
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It is a bitter pill to swallow, but if you want good performance, you will need to get rid of Better Cities, Unique Landscapes, high res texture packs, and other laggy things.


Oblivion is not really compatible with modern computers (and was designed wrong for old ones) so I am not even sure how far you would get by spending a few thousand dollars to build an Oblivion optimized computer.

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Here are my Slow Game suggestions



With all of those changes, you may want to consider regenerating an entirely new Oblivion.ini. Rename the original to something like OldOblivion.ini and start the game. It will create a new ini based on your new hardware. then see if it improves any.


Also, I have seen better fps using the native resolution of the monitor instead of trying to force a higher than native resolution.

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I don't get horrific FPS problems, but sometimes when I turn in towns and sometimes in the wilderness it loads like crazy. Sometimes like a few seconds just from turning slightly.


Usually happens when a companion is with me or nearby. I suppose the hi-res textures they have isn't helping.

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  On 10/30/2011 at 10:22 PM, LoloPinky said:
But I guess if there's nothing else that can be done, I'll just have to do further tweaking. Thanks anyway.


Just in case, I posted some info here on optimizing the OS resources (reducing cpu load and ram usage). You could try and see if there is any difference.

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Thanks for the help everyone.

I did a quick fresh install on another drive to compare my fps and (with a few essential mods), I'm sticking at 30fps (which is a great number) and it doesn't go any higher than that (unless inside). So I think what I'm getting is the best I'm going to get with all the mods I have installed and the tweaks I've done. I've lowered some of the settings on a few of my graphic-intense mods and I get on average 20fps around the country and about 8-12fps in towns when it's bad weather or particularly busy. I know 8-12fps sounds really bad, but it doesn't seem that bad when you're playing, unless you compare it to 30fps, haha.


Anyways, thank you so much everyone.

bben46; I'm using my native resolution as anything higher makes my font go all fuzzy, which is rather annoying on my eyes. I have a 24" TV and my resolution is 1360x760.


Ghoulz; Yep, that happens to me, too. When I'm out of town my fps increases a lot, and I don't get so much stutter.


Rydan; Thanks for this, I'll make sure to run it everytime before I start up my game. Though I'm not actually sure if it makes a difference, as I've checked how much RAM Oblivion is using whilst playing and it's only using about 3.5gb when I have 16gb available.

Edited by LoloPinky
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LoloPinky, plz turn off Triple Buffering. This is for use with Vsync and is a memory hog (stores extra buffers so V-sync is EXTRA smooth). Make sure that all 6 cores are operating on your Phenom. Turn OFF any AntiVirus realtime scanning during gameplay (AV will scan EVERY read/write AND execute and can be very strenuous during gameplay). You can reduce gridscount and gridstreecount in the Oblivion INI. Turn down or off self-shadowing, higher antialias and shadowing settings can compensate for a more realistic look. Force 3m shaders. Try Oblivion Stutter Remover. Turn OFF HDD caching in INI. Not a lot you can do with BC and other mods.
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