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Moore and Franken


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Is it that their books critize the Bush administration, Mr. Tater, or that there is something about free speech that frightens you?


It's okay to be frightened, really.



And for those who don't know,


Michael Moore is the filmmaker of "Bowling For Columbine" (excellent documentary) as well as author of "Stupid White Man," and "Dude, Where's My Country."


Al Franken is a famous Saturday Night Live writer as well as political humorist, whose written both "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Liar," and "Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, a Fair and Balanced Look at the Right."

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Never seen Al Franken's stuff (probably have actually, I watch SNL alot), but I think Micheal Moore is one of the best political humor writer around.


He gets Democrats and Republicans alike. Hes funny. Who cares if hes communist? (which he's not, he's green)


How is practicing your constitutional rights going to be the end of this nation? He shows off the good and bad of political figures, and tries to do the same on international issues too.


You also have to remember that controversy is how these people make money. If it was just a dull, mundane mauscript that said things already said, who would read it?



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Tater, you're 100% right. You caught us. They're nothing but minions in our plan to remove the elitist corruption and replace it with a true communist society. And since your capitalism is so weak, all it takes is a little writing and the whole thing collapses. And the irony is, our right to do this is protected by the same constitution we want to overthrow!


When the People's Republic of America finally succeeds in its glorious revolution, those two comrades will be rewarded greatly.

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