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Video Leaks ... from Reviewers - that did not take long.


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There is a reason they are called 'spoilers' By seeing everything before you get to play the actual game you are spoiling the fun. And, there are always spoilsports who insist on spoiling it for everyone else just because they can't stand to wait. And can't stand that someone else can.


I have already - because of my position here - seen far more information, videos and other stuff on the game than I would like to. Thus spoiling it for me. :wallbash:


A lot of the fun comes in NOT knowing anything at the beginning, and learning as you play. It's called 'anticipation'. :thumbsup:


Not being able to wait is a sign of immaturity - and this is supposed to be a game for mature people. Obviously a lot of players are not mature and thus should not be allowed to play. :whistling: - Physical age does not make for maturity. :rolleyes:


here here, i think it is close enough now to start steering clear of forums until after release. I havent watched the latest vids, but i suspect there is going to be more, and i dont want to even have a screen shot.

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What bben46 said. Especially the last sentence. :thumbsup:


Now, I just hope that some troll doesn't spoil it for me, and others. The beginning of the game is probably one of the best parts of the game, if you spoil it for yourself you will never have the nice "First time" feeling.

Don't watch the leak people, you are ruining it for yourself.

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I wanted to look at this video to check out the animations, then when I clicked about one minute into the video I closed it immediately. Forget that, I am not gonna get fed a bunch of spoilers. I recommend not to watch this.
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Not being able to wait is a sign of immaturity - and this is supposed to be a game for mature people. Obviously a lot of players are not mature and thus should not be allowed to play. :whistling: - Physical age does not make for maturity. :rolleyes:

Not exactly setting an example yourself are you, I mean I thought it was against forum rules to insult people, not that I feel insulted, I like being immature sometimes, it's fun, and I'm 51.
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What bben46 said. Especially the last sentence. :thumbsup:


Now, I just hope that some troll doesn't spoil it for me, and others. The beginning of the game is probably one of the best parts of the game, if you spoil it for yourself you will never have the nice "First time" feeling.

Don't watch the leak people, you are ruining it for yourself.


to late :P the movie is very bad quality, and the player is a rushing noob. what he did in this video would take me an hour or more just checking the enviroment.

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Im not watching it, i dont want skyrim ruined, i want to experience it myself.


This. Personally, it's hard for myself to resist, but I don't want to spoil anything yet :3

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