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Video Leaks ... from Reviewers - that did not take long.


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The moderators over on the Bethesda forum are pretty busy at the moment, I've seen the footage, cannot say I'm impressed.

The animations ive seen are pretty cool. But i know jumping and maybe even swimming won't be the best animations ive seen in a while.

But why so picky? The game will be good ( If not great ) and the enviroments ( Along with everything else ) look fantastic.

It's mainly a 1st person anyway but even so i think the 3rd person looks great. :thumbsup:

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This video has caused a massive flood of complaining amongst people. The central points seem to be


-The voice acting is bad


Nothing wrong with it, why is everyone complaining?


-The animations are bad


Safe from when the guy ran up the stairs, the animations look really damn good.


-The textures look bad, graphics look bad, ect...


This video:



Filmed on a TV

Xbox version


And it STILL looks amazing. Watch those 2 videos in 720p HD, and you'll see what I mean

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This is exactly the crap we do not need, now I realize you donthave to watch it if you dont want to.. BUT really! Its 11 days! You cannot wait 11 days! Dont get me wrong, Skyrim is the game I have been most excited for in my entire life, but come on! Why tempt up with a spoiler that will ruin the opening for us all?


I say again...REALLY!?!

smh. I aint watching nothing. *plugs ears and closes eyes*

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From ALL the video we have seen so far, most of which as I understand is from Xbox, everything has looked great.


The voice acting I heard so far from official videos sounds great.


I haven't watched this video and I'm not planning on it. Only a few more days until I can experience it!

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I would watch it, but the video is already down. Finding out plots would defiantly spoil it for me, so I would skip the beginning (then again, I think everyone could already guess how that went) and NPC dialogue as well...I was just going to skip around the video and watch fragments to see glimpses of the new environments and cities...but maybe its for the best, with my luck I would have randomly skipped to a major plot point to find out that the adoring fan is now the emperor of cyrodiil or something.
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