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Everything posted by Karieva

  1. Alright, so this is a long shot, but me and my friend started a roleplaying site for Skyrim. We only have 14 members, and we need more. So if your interested, go to.... http://liveskyrim.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=vampire&thread=46
  2. Work until 4pm then after.hyperventalte,pull my hair out, gain terrets screaming random skyrim info at random innocent bystanders, have a mental breakdown or five, and finally pee myself while driving to gs and cackling like a mad woman
  3. Im gonna find my girl karieva a nice lass and look at real estate while being chased/slaughtered xD
  4. Yea the program im going for is thirty three hours for a ceetificate and a bachelors in game programming. Its my dream..and todd if you see this I love you and hook me up with a job xD lmao
  5. I really suck at drawling so concept art is out im not creative so development is out im leaning more towards creating creatures modeling them etc. thanks for the advice everyone
  6. Yayy I bought the ce I want the box its cute xD
  7. Crap alright then :) I just like playing with it though not nessecaily making mods :P
  8. I know that lol just didnt know if I could have the game on xbox and CS on pc lol
  9. What programs did beth use for skyrim and could I get them somehow..i wanna be game deskgner for them and need to learn the programs
  10. How much will it be..im buying skyrim on xbox so will I be able to download it for free
  11. Im from america. I bought the ce with the makkng of dvd the statue and the art book. It also has the map, but I also ordered the hard back stratedgy guidr, cost me aroind 200 but its skyrim so I want it all lol also ordered a teeshirt a hoodie mousepad and a poster...im not obsessed >.>
  12. Yea I know :/ but come in tax season its on modded skyim on my nee alienware xD lol
  13. But if I play on xbox im safe? *does victory dance*
  14. But if I play on xbox im safe? *does victory dance*
  15. So after reading this all im so confused..im eastern coast...so does that mean I still get it at midnight on the 11th?whats this activation crap is that just for steam??
  16. Karieva has always been my character..i also roleplay with her.so she is my baby lol
  17. lol I never practiced it (my momma would skin me alive) lmao but it was very interesting to read the history and stuff on xD and yes, it was just another one of those "phases"
  18. I think it would be cool for something like that, back in my earlier teens I found withcraft and wiccan highly interesting, so it would be awesome to play as the darker side of magic e.g a necromacer...and not a "summon a skeleton" but delve into the whole sacrificing on certain moons blah blah blah. It would be cool for people like me, but I doubt Beth would do it.
  19. This is exactly the crap we do not need, now I realize you donthave to watch it if you dont want to.. BUT really! Its 11 days! You cannot wait 11 days! Dont get me wrong, Skyrim is the game I have been most excited for in my entire life, but come on! Why tempt up with a spoiler that will ruin the opening for us all? I say again...REALLY!?! smh. I aint watching nothing. *plugs ears and closes eyes*
  20. so if you pre order the CE you still get a paper map (even though it doesnt feel like paper) Now Im kinda peeved. lol
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