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Options when creating new lands


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Hi there guys :),


I'd just like to get out the way that I am currently not a mod creator, nor will I be for some time, and also I haven't even used mods yet.


However I take an interest in modding, and I have read/watched some tutorials.


I've had an idea in my mind for a land mass mod for some time and I guess I figured the complexity of it would benefit from being conceptualised in something like sketchup first. So I faffed around for a few hours.




I then came across this question. Is it possible to take a basic model/wireframe drawing etc, and import it into the creation kit as a pseudo-template? I know you use a brush to paint the land normally, but for instances when you need to keep a complex shape and scale, is this doable? You can use the model as a guide of sorts then. More curiosity than anything, but later down the line if I get the chance to start making mods, this would help me greatly :).





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