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Morrowind Rebirth - Seams in the World & More


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Alright, back at it again with another bug report/Request for assistance. Since installing Morrowind Rebirth there have been many seams in the world, such as in Balmora (no it's not just Balmora, pelagiad was even worse). Objects aren't lining up properly with the world either, such as towers being half underground, benches fully underground, plants floating..Most doors seem to be doubled up as well, having the normal door and an alternative locked one ontop of each other.


Maybe Morrowind Rebirth isn't causing it, but it didn't happen until installing it. The odd thing is there's no issues when looking at it in the CK, so I'm guessing there's some mod conflict going on, or maybe I installed it improperly? I am running MGSO as well (plugins that come with it being properly updated as needed), so perhaps that's causing issues?




Any help would be appreciated. I'm quite stumped, any conflicts I thought could be causing it I tried disabling and it didn't really help.


http://pastebin.com/SFPZA9LZ Load order


http://imgur.com/a/jnA2U As you can see here, two of the seams in Balmora.

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