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how is the leveling system in skyrim?


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I assume that you have never played a TES game before?

Your skills increase as you use them. Using fire spells increases your destruction, smithing increases your smithing skill, one handed swords increase your one handed skill, flower picking increases your flower picking skill sarcasm etc

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Using fire spells increases your destruction

ya leveling seems ridiculously streamlined compared to any of the other games. Odds say you won't even realize that you are doing it, untill you open up the perks menu at least

Actually, a big "*skill* Increased" sign pops up as soon you increase in a skill.

And the leveling system is exactly the same as in every TES game. It's not streamlined at all.

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Using fire spells increases your destruction

ya leveling seems ridiculously streamlined compared to any of the other games. Odds say you won't even realize that you are doing it, untill you open up the perks menu at least

Actually, a big "*skill* Increased" sign pops up as soon you increase in a skill.

And the leveling system is exactly the same as in every TES game. It's not streamlined at all.

Streamlined means made in such a way to make things go smoother, to occur with less resistance; it's a good thing. So in the case of skill leveling in Skyrim, using skills to level has become a natural, free experience as opposed to in Oblivion where you had to avoid some skills and focus on a few. I hated that. :P

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Streamlined means made in such a way to make things go smoother, to occur with less resistance; it's a good thing. So in the case of skill leveling in Skyrim, using skills to level has become a natural, free experience as opposed to in Oblivion where you had to avoid some skills and focus on a few. I hated that. :P

And I thought that streamlined is a polite way of saying dumbed down... :facepalm:

That's what happens when a non-native English speaker isn't taking any English lessons.


Thanks Nate for clarifying, imagine the chaos I would create if you haven't told me this. I think you saved the world.

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Thanks Nate for clarifying, imagine the chaos I would create if you haven't told me this. I think you saved the world.


Just another day of saving the world for me. :thumbsup:

Edited by natelovesyou
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Has the levelling problem been removed? When you'd be ridiculously weak if you didn't get +5 +5 +5 stats at every level up?

Yes, sort of.

They removed most of the attributes, so now every time you level up you have to decide which of the 3 attributes you want to increase (Health, Magicka, Fatigue/Stamina), and you get to choose one perk.

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If i remember currectly itls like this:

As u use your skills u level them up. Once u level up enough skills u level you character up and get a perk. The number of skill level-ups u need to rise a level increases with every level u gain and higher leveled skills contribute more to the leveling up.


Something like that.

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