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360 controller or Keyboard/mouse ?


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Which do you prefer? Skyrim seems more tailored for the controller than Oblivion. Controllers are easier on the hands to me, but I love the precision and more hotkeys on a gamepad/keyboard. I hope there are a lot of hot key options for keyboard, I hate having to scroll through a spell list just to open a lock or set someone on fire.
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I bought skyrim for PC, and i will be playing it on my big ass samsung 46" LED flat screen, huge surround sound system and with a xbox controller, not ONLY because its freaking epic playing relaxed in my sofa, or that my screen is big, nor is it because of the awesome sound im going to be surrounded by, BUT also because of the freaking awesomeness that is the MOD community, making games like Elder scrolls last decades!
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When I'm able to play PC I guess it will all depend on how the controls are/can be set up. I know I prefer playing Oblivion with a mouse/keyboard just because of how the hotkey system is set up but if they've changed it to make it easier on the controller I may use that instead.
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Mouse/keyboard. If i remember correctly they have stated that the UI will be different on pc, so maybe we won't have to suffer a lot. Having watched the xbox demos and the leaked intro, I can must say that everything seems so adapted to be played with controller, i wonder if bethesda can un-consolify it enough for it to work with keyboard/mouse.

And if they don't, then i will be really opset and possibly demand a refund (or a free controler and wait while someone finishes bethesda's job).

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I always preferred a mouse and keyboard on shooter games, because I absolutely suck with a controller. But RPG's are not quite as reflex oriented, so a controller is not so bad. What about hand fatigue? Does anyone else seem to find controllers less fatiguing?
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