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The first 30 hours of Skyrim


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If you're like me you know what I'm referring to. Character creation. Modeling the face, chosing the race and such. Always takes ages for some people, and for some others it's done within minutes. I never really got the hand of making pretty characters naturally, and I'll struggle at it. How will you get through modeling your character's appearence? Do you use referrence images, go the way you like it or just rush it? Will you use mods to get Mystic Elves or different haircuts, or just go vanilla? I might just pick some female drawing from DeviantArt or such as model and try to go for it.


Also, maybe not the appropiate place but if you have some tricks to share it would be cool.

Edited by StormTemplar
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I am like you man, i can spend up to an hour just creating a char, it's not that i think they're ugly, but that i can't seem to be satisfied, i need it to be perfect, but never pretty.. this isn't a Final Fantasy game with perfect looks. I don't know if i have any tricks, but what i do is start clean, no hair and no beard. Then i start from the top and work my way down, add hair, the colour, the eyes, skin, and then the beard ( and in this case im grazed with Skyrims hopefully awesome beard collection ) then i check the face from all sides and adjust maybe small things like, gaut, chin or cheeks, mostly those three.


And then im off to the great adventure :turned:

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I'm certain that I will sit there, snow falling down the window and it's getting steadily darker outside, I'll still be there, adjusting my character and switching between races to see which one I really like. I won't be surprised if I sit there for at least 2 hours.
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If Steam takes as long as it did to download Skyrim as it did when I downloaded TW2, the first 30 hours after I get the game in my hands is to download the game files from Steam.


After that, I'll probably spend a great amount of time playing with the character creator--at least a couple of hours--playing with this race and that.

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My first post in this forum!


I normaly need about 5 to 30minutes for a char. I wonder how quick i build a nord girl that satifies my taste?! For my first skyrim-char i have a plan! I want to build Alter ego who is very close too me. Full-bearded with long hair and high weight. I love the fact that i can adjust this! :)





Sorry for my bad english!

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If Steam takes as long as it did to download Skyrim as it did when I downloaded TW2, the first 30 hours after I get the game in my hands is to download the game files from Steam.


After that, I'll probably spend a great amount of time playing with the character creator--at least a couple of hours--playing with this race and that.

Are we forced to link it with Steam, even if we actually got the CD?

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