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Can't We Get Along (mod)? FREE T-shirts FOR ALL!


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Just curious? Why do we need to get along right now with Bethesda? I have no real issues with most console users. Say most because there are some who are pond scum for backing and supporting the pirates. But most have been decent about the whole issue. But Bethesda? Please.... And for those who say all of the modders and those who support them need to be patient and to not voice their concerns is ridiculous. By doing that Beth will never get off their butt. Do you honestly think that Beth would be doing anything (as little as it has been so far) at all if there wasn't as much of a fire storm going? I think not...

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You don't need to do anything.


If you'd like to show your preference for Nexus by downloading my mod and wearing the Nexus T-shirt, please do! Post shots anywhere you'd like!


If you couldn't care less about my mod, you're still free to state your feelings in this thread I suppose.


I guess all I'm saying is, we don't need to be negative here. We don't need to run around with shirts that have things X'd out.


I'm offering a positive alternative where you can sport what you like, rather than advertise your displeasure with Bethesda.

Edited by MasterMagnus
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I don't hate Beth. Never ever said that anywhere. I'm disappointed in them big time though. Thus the reason for my avatar. It just means NO to Beth and not hate Beth. And I only say no to Beth until they fix the problem. So I don't see why you are so negative against people just expressing their thoughts. You seem feel it's ok to express yours? To which I say fine. And by the way I have nothing against your mod so hope you don't think that I do?

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I'm being nothing but positive, and have in fact said you have every right to state your opinion in this thread.



..., you're still free to state your feelings in this thread I suppose.


I guess all I'm saying is, we don't need to be negative here....


I'm offering a positive alternative where you can sport what you like, rather than advertise what you hate your displeasure with Bethesda.


Sorry I mis-spoke, fixed that.

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Is there a reason this TROLL hasn't been banned yet from the Nexus. For heaven's sake, it has described, in no uncertain terms, that it's main purpose is to do as much damage here as possible. It's user name is literally as offensive as possible in the English language- and the chosen image straight from troll-central.


Being a 'broad church' doesn't mean allowing the poisoners unfettered access, and it's about time that Nexus took account of just how well Zenimax plays HARDBALL.

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Who are you talking about? There is only one person I know who fits that bill, and I haven't seen him post in this thread.


To be fair, the name "Zanity" isn't doing any favors for the English language either, you know. People don't pick names on the internet because they're grammatically correct or proper, they pick them because they weren't picked yet, and they need a unique name. That's why people have numbers after their names, and weird letters where none ought to be (Like Jeoshua, for example). Who cares what someone is named, judge them by their posts instead. It looks like you did, but it also looks like you didn't like it. And it also looks like all the posts in this thread have been edited for correctness and sanity afterwards, so I might just be missing everything. At any rate, it looks like it has been handled without you launching in. Plus, if you want to take someone to task on these forums, you have a long list of people that are far more deserving than anyone in this thread.


Anyhow, not trying to start a fight, just adding a little clarity.


Okay, that being said, the problem here isn't with all console users, it is with the console modding community and it's origins. You see, console modding has always been possible, it's just only recently that we've been able to discuss it in any detail. I still won't go into actual specifics, but console modding has always been possible on XBox, since the time of Morrowind at least. To do so was much like modding the game for PC, with the added steps of hacking into your XBox and breaking several EULAs and even actual laws. Microsoft has made it illegal to tinker with your box. This has bred a sort of distaste for authority and a required criminality into the old school console modding crowd. And now that Bethesda.net has made it absolutely trivial to mod FO4, these people are back at it again, don't care about intellectual property, and are in the process of tearing down whatever system they feel like they can in order to remain relevant. The only difference is that now there is a very low bar for entry, and any old script kiddie can do it. They don't need to be smart, anymore.

Edited by Jeoshua
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